Zoho Interview Experience (Off-Campus ) 2022

Hello everyone, I applied for the Zoho off-campus drive (Software developer role), the interview process had 5 rounds with questions getting difficult as you progress through each round. 

Round 1: Aptitude & Technical (Online Assessment)

Around 25 questions covering Quants, Reasoning, and Predict the output (C) were asked in this round. Predict the output of code questions were not of type MCQs. Most of the questions were based on nested loops, typecasting, and recursion. The duration of this round was 60 mins. 

Round 2: Programming (F2F)

It was a live coding round, the interviewer gave me 4 coding questions. The duration of this round was around 100 mins. First, the interviewer gave me a Pattern-based program and asked me to share the screen and code. Upon completing it, they shared a link consisting of 3 programming questions and asked me to explain the approach and the complexities before writing the code for each of the questions. 

1. Given a String with numbers and operators. Perform the operations on the numbers in their respective order. 

Input : "12345*+-+"
Output: 6
Explanation: [1*2+3-4+5 = 6] 

I explained my approach and gave a working solution in Python. 

2. Program to check whether the given matrix is an upper triangular or lower triangular.

The constraint was each element should be visited only once. 

 4 6 1 4
 0 3 5 9
 0 0 6 2
 0 0 0 8
 Output: Upper Triangular Matrix 
 1 0 
 1 1
 Output: Lower Triangular Matrix

 3. Find the longest increasing sub-sequence in Array.

Input : {1,5,3,7}
Output: {1,5,7} or {1,3,7}

Input : {10,22,9,33,21,50,41}
Output: {10,22,33,50}

I solved all the problems correctly. The interviewer asked me to code the 2nd and 3rd questions in java. Upon completing this round, I was called for the next programming round which was scheduled after 2 hours on the same day.

Round 3: Advanced Programming (F2F) ~ 2 hrs.

This round was the most challenging and exciting of all, as it involved both Object design and data structure knowledge. Given family and extended family information, I was asked to construct a family tree from that information and need to find the list of eligible people one can marry. The conditions were as follows:

  • For a male, a match will be his father’s sister’s daughter or his mother’s brothers’ daughter.
  • For a female, a match will be her father’s sister’s son or her mother’s brother’s son.
  • Names are unique.
Input format:
<person's name>, <gender>, <father's name>, <mother's name>

John, Male, Brad, Lisa
Emma, Female, Brad, Lisa
Alex, Male, John, Jenny
Emily, Female, Steve, Emma
Rachel, Female, Steve, Emma

Person name: Alex
Output: Emily, Rachel

I presented the UML diagram for the question and explained my approach. I was able to give a working solution in Java and the interviewer was satisfied with my solution. 

Round 4: Technical Interview  (1 hr)

It was a technical interview and discussion round, they tested both theoretical and practical knowledge. The questions were from Projects, Data structures, and some general questions about my goals. The interviewer also asked about the 2nd and 3rd round programming questions and asked me to optimize the previous round question. He gave me some hints, and I could give the optimized solution for the problem.  

Round 5: HR Interview (30 mins)

It was a general HR round. They asked few questions about:

  • Family background
  • Hobbies
  • Challenges faced while developing the project
  • Why Zoho and why not other companies?
  • Why should we hire you?


I was offered the internship + FTE role. The interviewers were very knowledgeable, understanding, and friendly. They also helped me by giving some hints while solving the problems. 

Finally, I thank w3wiki for being the awesome platform to prepare for interviews. 

Thank you and All The Best!