ZopSmart Interview Experience for SDE-1 Intern + FTE (Off-Campus)

It was an off-campus drive

Round 1: It was an online test consist of 4 coding questions (languages available only C++ & Java )

P.S. My prior language is python and it was not in the editor, LOL!

  • Convert binary string into integer (easy level)
  • I don’t remember the second question (because i couldn’t able to understand the question)
  • You are given a string and a number that represents the number of rows adjust the string and return a new string (see the below example) 
string = "w3wiki" , rows = 3 
G                     s                    G                           s
    e          k          F         r           e             k 
           e                  o                          e
newString = GsGs + ekFreK + eoe = GsGsekFrekeoe
  • Don’t remember exactly but it was a medium-level question 

The questions were not tough but the way they framed question was difficult 

I solved around 3 questions and selected 

Round 2: It was a Technical Round started with intro and directly jumped to the coding question

  • You are given a string consists of L & R for each char if it’s L count no. of elements which are in left and for R count no. of elements which in right side  cal total no. of elements for each element in string return sum of all 
Ex- string = "LRLLR"
output -> 0+3+2+3+0 -> 8 

I told her bruteforce approach with O(n^2) T.C. and optimised it 

then she asked me questions from DBMS , React.js , OOPS , JS , my project as it was mentioned on resume but i was not able to answer them all at end some time was left so i told her that i couldn’t prepare much as i was not got much time i focused on DSA so if you want to ask more DSA ask please so she asked me one another question 

She modified the above question by saying you have the string(of same format above) change L by R or R by L such that it increase the count of elements 

so i told my approach that from 0 to mid of string convert L by R and from mid of string to end change R by L to increase count then she understood my approach and i was selected for round 3 

Round 3: The interviewer was strict and asked me each and everything which i have written in my resume 

Like OOPs concepts , DBMS , queries he was literally deep diving in each and every question and answer i gave 

he also told me to open JS Bin in that he was giving me instruction about creating a web page like create input , button , add some functionalities into it add CSS and he told me to write a JS function that if user click on button then whatever written on input field it should get erase and the text user entered with that message should POP Up like hey “text user entered”

I was using onClick method to do that he asked me to change the method i couldn’t able to do so he move to coding question 

I gave him brute force approach then he asked me to optimize it i optimized the approach and i asked him some hints and he asked me time complexity and he was satisfied with my approach

Round 4: It was an HR Round and she asked basic HR questions asked about my internsips and she told me about DOJ and that i have to work from the office and round ended.

Verdict : Selected