Zopsmart Interview Experience (Off-Campus) 2022

Coding Round:  Four coding questions were there

  • Decimal to binary with a little twist
  • Traversing the matrix in a Zig-Zag fashion and printing the string in that fashion

           like: string = school k = 2

          Output: school  s 0 h 0 o 0  

           0 c 0 o 0 l

  •  Allocate a minimum number of pages
  • (I don’t remember the question)This question was easy but some corner cases were giving the wrong output

Interview : 

  • Brief Introduction
  • OOPs concepts
  • Implement Inheritance and Data Encapsulation
  • Find the position missing number in a sorted array : (I did it with brute + binary Search)

3. 2nd Interview (Same Day):

  • Brief Introduction
  • Asked me about my projects
  • Difficulties faced while making it
  • Some random questions

Job Location: Bangalore

Experience: [Easy – Medium]