ZopSmart Interview Experience For SDE-1 (On-Campus)

Round 1

It was an online assessment that consisted of 4 easy coding questions.

Time Duration: 45 min(s)

  • Checking whether a number is Palindrome or not.
  • IP address.

I couldn’t come up with an approach so for this one I used a simple trick(as below) to pass all the test cases.


s: variable to hold IP address as a String


return 0;


return 1;

if(s.length()%2 != 0)

return 2;

return 5;

  • Convert a Decimal Number to its equivalent Roman numeral
  • String matching (if b is present in a type)

[Java Solution for it: s2.indexOf(s1)]

All Test cases got passed in this round for me(in all questions) and hence I proceeded to the next round.

Round 2

It was a communication Round in which we were given 3 topics and we were asked to speak for about 2/5 minutes on any one topic.

Topics were:

  • My role model
  • Your step towards a sustainable environment
  • Your favourite movie or book

Round 3 (45 min Technical interview)

For me, the discussion revolved majorly around Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming (OOPs), Operating Systems and a little bit of the projects that were mentioned in my resume.

Questions that I was asked were:

  • What is a Peer to peer network, What is a client-server Architecture
  • What are the Operating System, Deadlock, and Bankers algorithms, How can a user view system UI when the system is switched ON, What is BIOS, Round Robin Scheduling
  • Detect loop in a linked list
  • Given a tree finds its maximum depth
  • Bottom View of a Binary Tree
  • Given an array consisting of digits from 1 to N, with one digit missing. Find the missing digit.
  • Polymorphism, types, overloading and overriding, Abstraction
  • Doubly linked list and circular linked list

Round 4 (45 min Technical interview)

The discussion was majorly around concepts from DBMS, Data Structures, and what’s mentioned in the resume

Some questions that I was asked were:

  • AVL tree and how do you balance it, Rotations in an AVL tree
  • Red black tree and uses
  • Applications of a circular linked list
  • Nearly 10-12 differences and similarities between Java and Python programming language
  • In-depth questions related to projects
  • Comparison of inheritance types that are supported In both Java and Python
  • Normalization forms in DBMS.
  • 1 SQL Query involving the use of Aggregate functions, Enums, and Joins. I couldn’t solve this question completely.
  • Given an IP Address the interviewer asked me to calculate the number of subnets of the IP Address.

My other friends who got shortlisted for the last round were asked the code for:

  • Given a linked list: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8.
  • Swap elements and the modified LinkedList should be 3->4->1->2->7->8->5->6.