Zopsmart Interview Experience for SDE 2

I interviewed for Zopsmart for the position of SDE 2 – Technology team for the Bangalore Location.

Though my tech stack was Python + Django Back End, I was provided with GOT OUR – it’s a comprehensive tutorial on Golang language, as it is possibly the primary language used at Zopsmart, and was told I would be asked questions based on that.

1st Round (Technical 1):

  • Brief Introduction
  • Details about the current project, was asked to draw an architecture diagram for it and then went into a little bit of depth about each component.
  • Difference between Multithreading and Multiprocessing for example.
  • What is asynchronous programming?
  • Define the decorator in python and also write an example.
  • Write a Program to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.
  • Then I was asked if I had gone through GOT OUR or not, but in this round, I wasn’t asked any questions from Golang.

Round 2 (Technical 2): 

  • Brief Introduction- Was asked about the most challenging work that I had in my past projects.
  • While I was mentioning that, I mentioned using Celery workers, so then I was asked about how I used Celery, how to configure it in the project, etc.
  • Was asked to write two programs:
    • To find two elements in a list that add up to k.
    • To print valid palindromes of an input string
  • What is a generator in python and why do we use it?
  • What is Method Resolution Order in Python?
  • Can we use a tuple as a key in a dictionary?
  • Was asked to list the differences between Golang and Python.
  • What is a Slice in Golang?

Round 3 (Technical 3):

  • Brief Introduction
  • Do you know what is a Goroutine?
  • What is the difference between PUT and PATCH requests?
  • Explain Django’s Request/Response Cycle.
  • Do you know what are Middlewares in Django? Have you written a custom Middleware? – I hadn’t written it but explained to them how to write one so they were fine with it.
  • Any experience of dockerizing an application? – Again I mentioned it negatively, but explained how to configure it in a practical scenario and they accepted it.
  • What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN? and then they gave me two tables as examples and asked me to write the output of different joins performed on those tables.
  • Difference between SQL and NoSQL

Round 4 (Managerial Round):

  • Brief Introduction
  • Explanation of current project work and annual contribution to the project. The interviewer specifically asked to mention instances where I made some significant improvements in the application performance.
  • Was given three different tables – Product, Order, and Customer which had some relations existing between them. Was then asked to fetch some data from those tables using SQL queries(I don’t remember the exact queries right now)
  • What are you looking for next in your career?
  • Why do you want to join Zopsmart?
  • Mention two strengths and weaknesses of yours.
  • After completion of all these rounds(it took a total of 1 week), I got a call from their HR the next day, and my salary was negotiated right then. Once we both agreed to it, the offer letter was shared with me on the same day.

Wishing all the very best to everyone for their interviews. Hope this helps more and more people.