Best Campus Hiring Strategies for Smarter Hiring

Campus hiring is gaining momentum as the Gartner survey report reveals that talent shortage is one of the emerging risks organizations face worldwide. As a result, attracting top talents has become the top-most priority of all hiring professionals. It has indeed created dark clouds of stress in the hiring department. But in the midst of this, campus recruitment comes as a ray of hope in recruiters’ lives.

Best Campus Hiring Strategies

What are the advantages of Campus Hiring?

  1. Companies get direct access to the vast talent pool and fill various vacant roles quickly.
  2. Organizations can promote their branding as the majority of the students learn about the companies for the first time during the placement drive.
  3. Higher chances of onboarding fresh and skilled talents before others leading to a competitive advantage
  4. Improve retention rates as freshers tend to work hard in their first jobs and stick when career advancement opportunities are offered.
  5. A strong relationship with campuses leads to attracting more talents in the future as graduates tend to recommend the company to their juniors.

Nevertheless, conducting successful campus hiring is also a task. It involves hectic days of planning and plotting. That’s why, we have brought you highly effective strategies for your next campus recruitment drive. These strategies will enable you to hire only skilled candidates without any hassle. So, without any further delay, let’s dive in.

What are the effective campus recruitment strategies?

Conducting on-campus hiring can be challenging but with these 5 tips, you can easily execute one. Let’s find out how.

1. Cut the hiring chaos with pre-planning

Hiring from campus is more than visiting a campus. You need to pre-plan your entire hiring process before starting recruitment.

Define your hiring goals which include the positions you want to fill and the number of candidates you would like to hire to avoid overhiring or under-hiring.

2. Promote your campus hiring event

Over 90% of potential candidates are scrolling social media every day. Hence, promoting your hiring event online to get their attention is no longer a mere option, it is mandatory!

Also, just a post on social media and the website would not be enough. You need to keep your digital presence lucrative and expressive as candidates check the company’s reputation before considering a job role.

Around 75% of job seekers examine a company’s employer brand before applying for any job– LinkedIn survey

This highlights the impact of having a great employer brand. If you want to know how to elevate your employer brand to catch maximum eye-balls and applications of qualified candidates, here is your Employer Branding Guide.

3. Level up your pre-placement talk

Organizations visit colleges for pre-placement talks to enlighten students about the company and its culture before starting the hiring process. Generally, a presentation is run, but you can leverage this time to get maximum participation by incorporating engaging activities and introducing alumni.

  • The Alumni can share their experiences which will indeed create a strong impact on the aspirants.
  • You can also host an “Ask us Anything” session to allow students to learn more about the company and excite them about the opportunity.

This will encourage them to give their 100% and help you get quality and quantitative applications.

4. Kill the time-taking resume screening task with automation

99% of the Fortune 500 Companies use Applicant Tracking System to review candidates resumes– Forbes

Screening thousands of resumes, and shortlisting a handful of them with no bias can be a task or a nightmare. So, why not let advanced technology do it for you while you sip your coffee?

For that, optimize some of the best Talent Acquisition software like LEVER, RecruiterBox, and iSmartRecruit and choose one to automate your resume screening process.

This cuts out your hassle of screening all resumes one by one, and helps you get the only relevant CVs or resumes.

5. Streamline your hiring process with a hiring partner

Analyzing technical skills is the second most important step of campus hiring. This equally requires attention, effort, and time. But you know what? You can also minimize this lengthy process by collaborating with any credible platform that can conduct technical rounds or talent assessments for you. w3wiki is one of the platforms that simplifies the campus hiring process for companies.

How does GFG help with the campus hiring process?

As GFG provides various courses that prepare students for the technical rounds and interview preparations, it has a huge talent pool of potential candidates. You can get direct access to highly qualified talents by collaborating with them.

Besides this, it can also help you with campus hiring by organizing various technical rounds and talent assessments on behalf of your organization. This will enable you to get your hands on the only candidates that have the top required skills in less time. Isn’t it amazing?

Additionally, Amazon partnered with w3wiki recently to organize a successful hiring drive that received 100,000 registrations and participation from more than 3,000 prominent institutions. These hooping numbers of talent pool showcase the impact of this partnership.

Over the years, GFG has built a giant community of career enthusiasts through highly valuable courses that prepare them for their dream jobs. On top of that, it also helps students get connected with potential employers. Hence, it acts like a bridge that connects qualified candidates with potential companies. That’s why over 250+ organizations trusted GFG for quality hiring.

Putting it all together

Campus hiring can be a tedious task but helpful for hiring fresh talents. However, this hectic task gets easier with the implementation of these five effective strategies. All you need to do is do some smart work like proper planning, leveraging social media power, hosting interactive sessions, automating the screening process, and collaborating for technical rounds. By doing this, you would see your campus hiring process journey becoming a cakewalk for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. How can I assess candidates’ skills and potential during campus hiring?

Ans. Since campus hiring applicants have less work experience and more educational background, it becomes quite challenging to asses their core skills. But here are a few tips for you.

  • Evaluate candidates’ academic performances, their courses, and extracurricular activities.
  • Conduct behavioral or personality assessments to understand their perspective, problem-solving skills, communication, and teamwork skills.
  • Host technical assessment to gain a better overview of their technical knowledge and skills.

Also, understand that campus hires are still in the growing and learning stage. Look for candidates who have a keen interest in developing and enhancing skills.

Q 2. How can GFG help me assess talents during campus recruitment?

Ans. GFG can assist you in organizing talent assessment during campus hiring where you can get direct access to the only qualified candidates who have strong subject knowledge and skills. Indeed, this will save your time and effort.

Q 3. How can I compete with other companies for top candidates during campus hiring?

Ans. Campus hiring can be competitive for some popular roles and organizations. Still, you can stand out by putting in a little bit of effort.

  • Offer industry-standard salaries and benefits
  • Have strong employer branding that speaks about your company and its culture

Q 4. How can GFG help me stand out and ease my recruitment process?

Ans. GFG has a giant network of highly qualified and skilled talents across the country. Moreover, it has around 2 million social media reach and over 35 million active users.

Coming together with GFG will surely enable your organization to take a competitive edge by attracting great talents.

Additionally, partnering with GFG will also ease your hiring process as it can conduct technical and coding rounds on behalf of your organization and hand you the list of the top performers with the required skills and knowledge.

This will save your time and effort, and speed up your campus hiring process.

Q 5. Does GFG assist with off-campus hiring as well?

Ans. Yes, GFG helps companies with off-campus hiring too.

Q 6. How to approach GFG for on and off-campus hiring?

Ans. To collaborate with GFG for hassle-free hiring, write to us at

Q 7. Where can I find more information about the GFG hiring portal?

Ans. You can find more information here: Hire with GFG