Equality : Chapter-3 Class-11 Polity Notes

Equality means treating everyone fairly without showing any favoritism. It ensures that everyone has the same opportunities. So, it is about making sure nobody is treated poorly because of where they are from, what they believe, or anything like that. To understand equality better, we also need to talk about inequality, which is the opposite. Equality means treating everyone like human beings, even if they’re different in intelligence or physical strength. Fair opportunities are important, even though we are not exactly the same. In India, the constitution guarantees equal treatment under the law. Freedom and equality are important for a fair society. Everyone should have the same chances to benefit from what the government provides.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Equality in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Equality?
  • Why Equality is Important?
  • Equality in Education
  • Equality in Society
  • Equality in Workplace
  • Summary – Equality Chapter 3 class 11 Polity Notes

What is Equality?

Equality means treating everyone fairly without any favour. It makes sure that everyone has the same chances. So, it is about making sure nobody gets treated worse because of where they come from, what they believe, or anything else like that. To talk about equality, we also need to talk about inequality, which is the opposite and is important to understand equality better.

Why Equality is Important?

In a fair world, everyone has the same chances to do well. Nobody deals with unfair treatment or unfair obstacles to happiness and success. Although there’s been some improvement in certain areas, we are still far from achieving equality for everyone.

Reducing Poverty – Poverty went down until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, causing millions to become poor.
– The difference between men and women’s income is getting bigger, especially affecting women aged 25-34 who live with children.
Healthier Communities – Treating people unfairly in healthcare based on different things hurts the health of certain groups.
– Making sure everyone is treated fairly and can get healthcare easily would make communities healthier.
Extending Life Expectancy – Unequal treatment is linked to people living for less time, but treating men and women equally can make people live longer.
– Giving importance to treating everyone fairly could make people live longer.
Reducing Violence – Violence is more common in areas where some people have a lot of money and others don’t.
– Fixing unfairness, like in education and job opportunities, is important to reduce violence.
Improving Education – Some groups of people are punished more and have fewer chances to take certain classes in education.
– Fixing these unfair differences would give all students better chances to learn.
Advancing Disability Rights – People with disabilities are often treated unfairly, but treating everyone the same would mean they’re included and can use different resources.
– It’s important to remove things that make life hard and make sure there are rules to make things fair for people with disabilities.
Economic Benefits of Equality – Treating people unfairly hurts how much money a country makes, with racial unfairness alone costing trillions in lost money a country makes.
– Dealing with treating people unfairly is important for a country to have more money.
Reforming Justice Systems – There’s a lot of unfairness in criminal justice systems, with differences in who gets taken by police and how they’re punished.
– Changing how people are punished, helping people who used to be in jail, and stopping crime are needed steps.
Equity Leading to Equality – Equity comes before equality and makes sure things are shared fairly, which is important for making things fair.
– Without sharing things fairly, equality is hard to achieve.
Upholding Human Rights – Treating people unfairly puts human rights at risk, as said in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
– Dealing with treating people unfairly is crucial for making sure everyone’s rights are protected.

Equality in Education

Fairness in schooling is about grasping the different life situations that affect a student’s time in school, like money, gender, who they are attracted to, cultural background, and even skills. Understanding these differences helps improve the education system and makes sure everyone has the same opportunities.

Aspect Equality in Education
Definition Treating students fairly, considering various life factors
Importance Improving education system, equalizing opportunities
Challenges Punishments, dress codes contributing to segregation
Socioeconomic Factors Significant impact on performance
Measures Implemented Quotas for fair competition
Resources for Equality Responsible for ensuring fairness in education

Equality in Society

Many things can be done to make society fairer, from simple actions by people to government policies. City living, for instance, affects what opportunities someone can get. It is a big factor in things like jobs, services, and income.

Aspect Equality in Society
Transformation Tactics Everyday actions, public policies aimed at equity
Influence of Urbanization Directly affects opportunities, job availability, income
Socioeconomic Context Major influence on opportunities and services

Equality in Workplace

Fairness at work is important. Companies should treat everyone the same, no matter their beliefs, gender, who they love, where they are from, or if they have a disability.

Aspect Equality in the Workplace
Inclusion Initiatives Job application processes for people with disabilities
Policies Against Prejudice Ensuring fairness beyond recruitment
Salary Equality Impartiality in salary decisions, regardless of inherent factors
Equity Analysis Identifying exclusion patterns in recruitment and promotions
Impartiality in Evaluation Merit-based decisions, free from biases and opinions

Summary – Equality Chapter 3 class 11 Polity Notes

  • Equality means treating everyone fairly and respectfully because we’re all human.
  • During the French Revolution, people fought for “Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood” against the powerful aristocracy and monarchy.
  • Inequality exists worldwide and within societies, despite the widespread belief in equality.
  • Societies naturally have different roles and statuses, such as presidents, prime ministers, and generals.
  • Equality means everyone should have the same rights and chances to develop their talents.
  • Natural differences in people’s abilities and traits occur from birth.
  • Social inequalities arise from how society treats people based on race, gender, or caste.
  • Equality has three aspects: social, political, and economic.
  • Political equality ensures all citizens have the same basic rights and opportunities.
  • Social equality aims to provide fair opportunities for all groups and minimize social and economic gaps.
  • Economic equality involves reducing differences in wealth and income through fair policies.
  • Affirmative action may be necessary to ensure equal opportunities, like reservations in India.
  • To achieve equality, governments must dismantle systems that promote inequality and discrimination.
  • The Constitution prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, gender, or birthplace.
  • Sometimes, special assistance is needed to ensure everyone can enjoy equal rights, like support for disabled individuals.
  • Affirmative action policies seek to lessen deeply rooted inequalities by providing extra support.
  • Governments must implement social policies to help disadvantaged groups compete fairly.
  • Social and economic inequalities impede equal opportunities and must be tackled.
  • Special measures for equality goals require careful justification and consideration.
  • Women campaigned for equal rights in the nineteenth century.

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FAQs – Equality Chapter 3 class 11 Polity Notes

What is equality short notes Class 11?

The concept of equality invokes the idea that all human beings have an equal worth regardless of their colour, gender, race, or nationality. It maintains that human beings deserve equal consideration and respect because of their common humanity.

What is equality class 11 chapter 3?

The term “social equality” refers to the fact that everyone in society has the same status and no one is entitled to special treatment. All castes, creeds, races, groups and classes, clans, and tribes should be treated equally. Everyone should have the same opportunity to grow as a person.

What are the three dimensions of equality notes Class 11?

Three dimensions of equality are: Economic, Social and Political Equality. – Political equality means granting equal citizenship to all members of the state. Equal citizenship provides certain basic rights such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, movement and association and freedom of belief to everybody.

What is inequality class 11 political science?

Inequality exists because of unequal opportunities and exploitation of one group from other groups in the society. Natural inequalities are those that emerge between people as a result of their different capabilities and talents.

What is equality in very short?

Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities. Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources and opportunities, regardless of their circumstances.

What are main features of equality?

No discrimination is made with anybody on the basis of his caste, religion, colour, creed etc. 2. Prohibition of Discriminations-The main characteristic of the social equality is not to make any discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, colour, race etc.

Why is equality important?

Equality means ensuring everyone in your setting has equal opportunities, regardless of their abilities, their background or their lifestyle. Diversity means appreciating the differences between people and treating people’s values, beliefs, cultures and lifestyles with respect.

What is Political Equality Class-11 in points?

Political equality is that the equal right should be given to vote and also to contest in election irrespective of caste, creed, religion, economic status. This is very important in achieving a democratic government.