GDSC Lead Interview Experience

Applying and the Test

I applied for the GDSC Lead role on March 10, 2023, during my first semester of college. I finished a test for it on April 8 and waited a while. Then, I got the chance to schedule my interview for April 22.

Scheduling and Interview Day

I set up my interview for May 2 . It was my first interview, so I was a bit nervous but also excited. On the day of the interview, I joined the call a couple of minutes early. The interviewer joined right on time. He was young, friendly, and greeted me warmly. He asked how I was, and I replied confidently and asked him about his day. He then asked me to type my college name, branch, and location in the chat section. He also wanted to know if my college already had a GDSC club.

The Interview Starts

The first question he asked was for me to introduce myself. I had prepared for this and said what I had included in the GDSC Lead application form. Then he asked some tricky questions, like how I would handle conflicts among team members or what I would do if a speaker canceled a day before an event. I wasn’t fully ready for these questions, but I did my best to answer them. The interviewer seemed to like my answers and even praised some of them.

Leadership Experience

Next, he asked about my past leadership experiences and what qualities I value in team members. Since I was only in my first year of college, I didn’t have any college-related leadership experience. Instead, I talked about my experiences from school, where I had taken on some leadership roles.

The Technical Round

Then we moved to the technical part of the interview. He asked basic questions about OOP concepts, DSA, and time and space complexity. Unfortunately, I didn’t know much about these topics at the time. I hadn’t researched the role thoroughly or prepared for these questions because of my college exams. So, I had to admit that I didn’t have answers to those questions. The interviewer was understanding and said it was okay. He then asked about my projects. I had only done 1-2 small projects, so I showed him those.

General Questions and Final Thoughts

After that, he asked me some general questions about current events. Then, he asked what changes or different things I would do during my time as a GDSC Lead. I took a moment to think and then answered. He thanked me, and I thanked him back. The interview lasted about 20-25 minutes.


I received an email saying I was not selected for the role.