Resume isn’t ATS-Proof

An Application Tracking System (ATS) is a software program that manages the hiring process in companies – it helps to track candidates who are the best fit for the job. ATS factors the suitable profiles based on the keywords in the job description. If your application is rejected in the screening round, it means your Resume is put out of human sight by ATS.

How to Improve: Make sure you read the job description carefully and note the keywords. After that, incorporate the relevant keywords in your resume, preferably in the experience or skills section. Although, do not just random stuff the keywords to make your resume ATS friendly – but put keywords in a relevant and honest manner.

Top 7 Reasons Why Resumes Get Rejected

If you’re someone who went through the trial and tribulation of the job search journey, you know the pain that comes with it – job application rejection, failure to get a call back from the recruiter, and whatnot. You might be wondering what exactly went wrong. Is it really you? Well, it’s not you but your ‘oh-so-perfect resume’ that you thought was so good that it will attract recruiters like bees to honey. Being exceptionally talented and qualified doesn’t mean that you’re automatically hired. If you want to sell yourself, you need to make your resume attractive enough for recruiters to recognize your talent. 

So, what exactly is a resume, and what resume mistakes can cost you your dream job?


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Why Resumes Get Rejected?

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1. Resume isn’t ATS-Proof

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Key Takeaways:

The competition in the job market is intense. In years to come, it will become more challenging to manifest your uniqueness and fit in the job market. Nonetheless, there is nothing in the world that you can’t excel and landing your dream job is one of them. Being the first rung of your career ladder, a resume requires your undivided attention. Use the tips above, and invest some time while no one can stop you from mastering the art of a stellar resume....

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