Client-Server Communication

Client-server communication is usually done through TCP/IP protocol. TCP covers part of transport and the sessions layer in a typical OSI model. TCP being a connection-oriented protocol makes sure that the connection remains in place till the messages are exchanges at the very end of the queue.

On the other hand, IP is a connectionless protocol which don’t communicate following the initial transmission of messages. TCP organizes the packets of information is a sequence which the IP treats as an independent unit. IP belongs to network layer in the OSI model.

HTTP Protocol Basics

Following are some of the methods in HTTP protocol.




Gets the status of a resource.


Retrieval of a resource.


Creation of a new resource.


Update an already existing resource.


Delete a resource.

HTML Language Basics

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which provides the structure of a web application. It consists of different elements each responsible for the different view of a component in the browser.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>GFG : Overview to HTML</title>
      <h1>Welcome To GFG</h1>
      <p>This is an overview to HTML</p>

Code Explanation:

  • The <!DOCTYPE html> provides the reference that this is an HTML followed by its root element <html>.
  • <head> provides the meta information of the HTML page which contains the links and <title> to the web page.
  • <body> contains all the components and the modules of the web application. <h1> provides large headings while <p> denotes the paragraph.
  • The boundary of the respective element is marked by its closing tag.

Advanced Java – Getting Started to Web Application

A Web Application is software that executes on the web browser. It links the customers and the service providers as a medium of exchange. For example, Amazon provides a marketplace where sellers and buyers can coexist. It provides a mechanism to exchange services and perform operations seamlessly.

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