When to Choose a Framework

Choosing a framework is not a direct question which has a single answer. While considering the framework, you have to keep in mind several parameters. Based on different such parameters, below are the comparisons.




1. Flexibility

Spring Boot

Spring Boot lets you pick and choose the tools you need, making it flexible for different types of projects.

2. Simple:

Flask (for Python)

Flask is easy to understand and great for smaller projects or when you’re just starting.

3. Building a Big Web App

Django (for Python)

Django provides a lot of built-in features, making it efficient for larger projects.

4. Real-Time Web Apps

Node.js with Express

Node.js is great for real-time applications, and Express is like the power tool that makes it even faster.

5. Want Convention over Configuration

Java Spring MVC

Spring MVC follows conventions, so you spend less time deciding how things should be done.

6. Native Mobile Application

React Native (for JavaScript/React)

React Native lets you write code once and use it for different platforms like iOS and Android apps.

Advanced Java – Getting Started to Web Application

A Web Application is software that executes on the web browser. It links the customers and the service providers as a medium of exchange. For example, Amazon provides a marketplace where sellers and buyers can coexist. It provides a mechanism to exchange services and perform operations seamlessly.

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