Common Property Resources

Common property refers to the rights and duties of a group regarding the nature, use, and maintenance of a resource. Village communities in India have defined these rights and responsibilities. However, factors like privatization, agricultural intensification, population growth, and ecosystem degradation have led to a decline in common property’s size, quality, and availability to the poor globally. In South India, sacred groves have traditionally been managed by village communities.

Environment and Natural Resources| Class 12 Political Science Notes

Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 6 Environment and Natural Resources deals with the growing importance of environmental and resource issues in global politics. It analyzes some of the important environmental movements against the backdrop of the rising profile of environmentalism from the 1960s onwards. The chapter also introduces students to the concept of common property resources and the rights of indigenous people. It mentions the global commons and their relevance in contemporary world politics.

In this article, we will look into the topic of Environment and Natural Resources in detail. It is an important topic in Political Science Class 12. Students can go through this article to get comprehensive notes on Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 Environment and Natural Resources.

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In conclusion, the environment and natural resources are essential for the survival of all living beings. The environment provides us with air, water, food, shelter, and other resources that we need to live. Natural resources are the materials that we use to make everything from clothes to cars to computers. However, human activity is putting a strain on the environment and natural resources. We are polluting the air and water, depleting forests, and overfishing the oceans. This is causing climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental problems....

Environment and Natural Resources

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