Difference Between Depression and Anxiety

The table given below shows the points of difference between depression and anxiety:

Feature Depression Anxiety
Mood Persistent sadness, emptiness, hopelessness Fear, worry, nervousness, dread
Focus of Feelings Past and present negativity, lack of positive emotions Future-oriented worry, anticipation of threats
Motivation Loss of interest, difficulty initiating activities Restlessness, urge to escape or avoid perceived threats
Physical Symptoms Fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite, aches and pains Racing heart, sweating, muscle tension, nausea
Cognitive Symptoms Difficulty concentrating, negative thoughts, low self-esteem Intrusive thoughts, difficulty making decisions
Behavioral Symptoms Withdrawal from social activities, neglect of responsibilities Seeking reassurance, fidgeting, difficulty relaxing
Duration Symptoms persist for weeks or months Symptoms can be episodic or constant
Impact on Daily Life Significantly interferes with daily functioning Can cause distress and impair daily functioning, but often less severe than depression
Potential Causes Genetics, brain chemistry, life events, medical conditions Genetics, brain chemistry, stressful life events, personality traits
Treatment Therapy (CBT, ACT), medication (SSRIs), lifestyle changes Therapy (CBT, exposure therapy), medication (antidepressants, anxiolytics), relaxation techniques
Comorbidity Often co-occurs with anxiety Often co-occurs with depression

Difference Between Depression And Anxiety

Difference Between Depression And Anxiety: Depression is a common condition where people feel persistently sad, empty, or irritable, and lose interest and pleasure in most activities. Anxiety involves ongoing excessive worrying, tension, and fear about everyday situations. Both depression and anxiety can make daily life very difficult, but they are treatable conditions – with lifestyle changes, therapy, and sometimes medication, many people find great relief. You do not have to deal with depression or anxiety alone – support and effective treatment options are available that can significantly reduce symptoms.

In this article, we will cover Depression And Anxiety, along with the differences, similarities, and how to manage depression and anxiety.

Difference Between Depression And Anxiety

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Summary – Difference Between Depression And Anxiety

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FAQs on Difference Between Depression And Anxiety

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