Frequently Asked Questions on Committee

How does a committee differ from a team?

While both committees and teams involve collaboration among members, committees are typically more formal, with a specific mandate and often a longer-term or recurring focus. Teams, on the other hand, are usually formed to accomplish specific tasks or projects and may be more flexible in structure.

What roles are typically found within a committee?

  • Chairperson: Leads the committee, sets agendas, and facilitates meetings.
  • Secretary: Takes minutes, manages records, and handles communication.
  • Members: Participate in discussions, contribute expertise, and vote on decisions.
  • Advisors/Consultants: Provide specialized knowledge and advice (often non-voting).

What is the role of a committee in corporate governance?

In corporate governance, committees (such as audit, compensation, and governance committees) play a critical role in overseeing management, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding stakeholders’ interests. They provide checks and balances to enhance the integrity and accountability of the organization.

How are committee members selected?

Committee members are usually selected based on their expertise, experience, and ability to contribute to the committee’s objectives. Selection can be done through appointments by senior management or by election among peers, depending on the organization’s policies and the nature of the committee.

Committee: Meaning, Functions, Problems and Measures

Committees play a significant role in facilitating communication, collaboration, and decision-making processes within the organizational structure. Committees are formed to address specific issues, oversee projects, make decisions, or provide recommendations to the larger organization.

In this article, we will understand a committee’s functions, group behaviour, and problems.

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What is a Committee?

A committee is a group of individuals appointed or elected to perform a specific task or function within an organization. Committees are typically formed to deliberate on particular issues, make recommendations, or take action on behalf of a larger body or organization. They can be permanent (standing committees) or temporary (ad hoc committees), depending on their purpose and duration....

Functions of Committee

1. Decision Making: Committees are often tasked with making decisions on behalf of the organization, whether it’s related to policy changes, resource allocation, project approval, or strategic planning....

Group Behavior in Committees

In committees, group behavior refers to the interactions, dynamics, and decision-making processes that occur among committee members. Several aspects of group behavior influence how committees function:...

Reasons for the Use of Committees

1. Expertise and Diverse Perspectives: Committees bring together individuals with diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives to address complex issues and make informed decisions....

Problems in Committees

1. Communication Barriers: Poor communication, misunderstandings, and information asymmetry can hinder effective collaboration and decision-making within committees....

Measures for Making Committees Effective

1. Clear Objectives and Roles: Define the committee’s purpose, objectives, and scope of authority. Clarify roles and responsibilities for each member to ensure accountability and alignment....


Committees play a vital role in organizational decision-making, problem-solving, and governance. By leveraging the expertise, diversity, and collective wisdom of its members, committees can address complex challenges, foster innovation, and drive organizational success. However, to realize their full potential, committees must navigate challenges such as communication barriers, conflicts, and decision-making biases effectively. By implementing measures to promote effective communication, clear objectives, inclusive decision-making, and accountability, organizations can ensure that committees serve as effective mechanisms for collaboration, oversight, and strategic leadership....

Frequently Asked Questions on Committee – FAQs

How does a committee differ from a team?...