How to Calculate Percentage of a Number?

Calculating percentage of a number is very simple, you just need to use the formula mentioned below:

Percent of a Number = Percentage/100 Γ— Number

Example: Calculate 5% of 50

5% of 50 = 5/100 Γ— 50

5% of 50 = 0.05 Γ— 50

5% of 50 = 2.50


Percentage: In mathematics, a percentage is a figure or ratio that signifies a fraction out of 100. It is a method used to express a dimensionless relationship between two numbers, similar to ratios, fractions, and decimals. Percentages are commonly indicated by the symbol β€œ%” following the number. The word β€œPercentage” was coined from the Latin word β€œPercentum” which means β€œby hundredβ€œ. It is a dimensionless relation between two numbers. It is often denoted by the sign β€œ%” or per cent or pct.

In this article, we will cover percentage definitions, examples, percentage formulas, how to calculate the percentage, etc.

Examples of Percentages:

  • 10% is 10/100, that is, 1/10 of the number
  • 20% is 20/100, that is, 1/5 of the number

In this article, will learn about Percentages, Percentage Formulas, How to Calculate Percentages, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Percentage?
  • Examples of Percentage
  • Percentage Formula
  • How to Calculate Percentage of a Number?
  • How To Calculate Percentage?
  • Percentage Chart
  • Percent Table
  • Difference between Percentage and Percent
  • Percentage in Maths
  • Percentage Tricks
  • How to Calculate Percentage of Marks?
  • Percentage Calculator

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