What is a Bad Review in Google My Business

Google wants to make sure the users are getting genuine and unbiased comments about your business or customer’s experience with the business.

Bad reviews can be mostly genuine but can also be fake or inaccurate or may be from a specific or isolated customer experience and may not reflect the overall service standard of the business.

Since bad reviews could affect a business, most businesses like to remove the bad reviews, mostly the fake or inaccurate reviews that describe the business in a bad light which may lead to losing valuable customers.

How to Remove Reviews from Google Business

How to Delete a Google Review in GBP – Quick Steps

  1. Launch Google Maps and pinpoint your business’s location.
  2. Locate the review on the Google reviews page.
  3. Flag the review as inappropriate.
  4. Opt for the “Report Review” option.
  5. Specify the reason for reporting the review.
  6. Proceed to report the Google review.

Google reviews play a major role today in the decision-making by customers about a business or service. Be it making a purchase or dining out at a restaurant or service or product, before deciding to find the best and right service provider or restaurant, most of us look for the reviews provided by the customers who had an experience with a particular business or service. Our decision is mostly influenced by the reviews in this case. Unfortunately, there are paid reviews and fake reviews so relying only on the reviews may not always be correct.

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What is a Bad Review in Google My Business

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Google wants to make sure the users are getting genuine and unbiased comments about your business or customer’s experience with the business....

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What to do if Google does not resolve the Issue

When we flag a Review as Bad and submit the reason for it, then initially Google will respond with an acknowledgement email. After the internal review by Google for the bad review and the reason flagged, they will respond with their decision. Google generally says that the review did not violate their review policies unless there was an evident violation of review policies or a mistake from the customer end which can be proven....


If Google does not resolve the bad review issue then it asks us to contact the user who provided the feedback to resolve any misunderstanding if the review was not accurate. So the next best option is to engage in a conversation with the customer who had a negative or unsatisfied service experience. Apologize to them for the negative experience and promise them the best service next time by extending an invitation to serve them again. So communication understanding and acknowledging your mistake by promising to serve them better is the right way to win back customers Businesses should always be genuine and serve the customers with the motto ‘customer is the king’ and strive to provide ‘customer delight’. Use the ‘Ask for Review’ option from the ‘Your business on Google’ page to reach your customers and ask them to provide their valuable reviews and feedback. This option will provide a link to add reviews for your business. Take time to read all reviews for your business and respond to the customers appropriately and professionally. Your customers will appreciate the value you give to their input and feedback. Take genuine negative reviews positively and work on improving the service or product quality and reach more customers....

Frequently Asked Questions

In Google My Business reviews, there could be ‘Bad’ reviews among user reviews for some reason. The reviews help the business to correct the shortcomings and help provide the best service. But sometimes the bad reviews can also turn away potential customers from your business. So if the review was incorrect or someone purposely posted a bad review to bring down the business, then we can report to Google to remove it. This can be done in two ways as discussed above in the article....