Why to use Spring?

Spring framework is a Java platform that is open source. Rod Johnson created it, and it was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003.
When it comes to size and transparency, Spring is a featherweight. Spring framework’s basic version is about 2MB in size.
The Spring Framework’s core capabilities can be used to create any Java program, however there are modifications for constructing web applications on top of the Java EE platform. By offering a POJO-based programming model, the Spring framework aims to make J2EE development easier to use and to promote good programming habits.

Spring Tutorial


This Spring tutorial is designed for both beginners and experienced professionals. Learn all fundamental and advanced topics of Spring Framework, such as the basics of Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, and more.

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What is Spring Framework?

Spring is a lightweight and popular open-source Java-based framework developed by Rod Johnson in 2003. It is used to develop enterprise-level applications. It provides support to many other frameworks such as Hibernate, Tapestry, EJB, JSF, Struts, etc, so it is also called a framework of frameworks. It’s an application framework and IOC (Inversion of Control) container for the Java platform. The spring contains several modules like IOC, AOP, DAO, Context, WEB MVC, etc....

Why to use Spring?

Spring framework is a Java platform that is open source. Rod Johnson created it, and it was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. When it comes to size and transparency, Spring is a featherweight. Spring framework’s basic version is about 2MB in size. The Spring Framework’s core capabilities can be used to create any Java program, however there are modifications for constructing web applications on top of the Java EE platform. By offering a POJO-based programming model, the Spring framework aims to make J2EE development easier to use and to promote good programming habits....

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Spring Tutorial Index

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Spring with REST API

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Spring JDBC

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Spring ORM or Spring Hibernate

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Spring AOP

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Spring Security

Introduction to Spring Security and its Features Some Important Terms in Spring Security OAuth2 Authentication with Spring and Github Spring Security at Method Level Spring Security JSP Tag Library Spring Security Form-Based Authentication Spring Security – Remember Me Spring Security XML Spring Security Project Example using Java Configuration How to Change Default User and Password in Spring Security? Spring – Add Roles in Spring Security Spring – Add User Name and Password in Spring Security...

Advantages of Spring

Predefined Templates Loose Coupling Lightweight Fast Development Powerful abstraction Declarative support...

FAQs on Java Spring

Q1: What is spring used for?...