How to Change Alert Dialog Position on Screen in Android?
AlertDialog in Android is an alert message that appears in the form of a pop-up consisting of four elements namely a title, a message, a positive button, and a negative button. The positive and the negative buttons are clickable and can be programmed for performing an action. However, the AlertDialog appears in the center of the screen whenever called. Below is a screenshot of an AlertDialog....
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Github Actions For Android
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. CI/CD methodology provides speed, accuracy, and reliability. It increases the release rates by detecting the failures faster. Android is a widely used mobile operating system and developing apps for Android with GitHub Actions can be a game-changer....
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How to Encrypt Data Safely on the Device and Use the Android KeyStore?
We deal with a great number of data in Android. Data from one activity is used in a different activity or fragment. For example, when some data changes, we can modify the UI of an application. So, the main concept is to have efficient communication between the data and the application’s UI, and we all know that the ideal way to do it is to use Android Jetpack’s LiveData....
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RxJava Operator – Concat and Merge
RxJava is the most significant library, and it is widely used by Android developers. It simplifies our lives. RxJava is used for multithreading, managing background processes, and eliminating callback hells. RxJava allows us to address a wide range of complicated use-cases. It allows us to accomplish complex things in a very easy way. It gives us the ability. And as the saying from your superhero movie goes: With great powers, comes great responsibility. RxJava contains a plethora of operators. We must be aware of them in order to use them appropriately. The Concat and Merge Operators will be covered in this section....
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Android – Component in Dagger
In order to fully understand the concept of  Component in Dagger, we have to first go through a brief about Dagger itself. Now according to the documentation Dagger is defined as follows :...
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How to Build a Number Shapes Android App in Android Studio?
Android is a vast field to learn and explore and to make this learning journey more interesting and productive we should keep trying new problems with new logic. So, today we are going to develop an application in android studio which tells us about Numbers that have shapes. We will be covering two types of numbers i.e. triangular and square. So, firstly let us know what actually they are:...
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How to Speed Up Gradle build in Android Studio?
Gradle is one of the most important files or extensions that are present in the Android Project. Gradle handles all the libraries and application IDs and many important components of any Android application. Every time when we run our application or we build our apk we will get to see the message as Gradle build running and many more. In some devices, Gradle works very fast whereas in some devices it takes so much time to load and build your application....
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Create an Expandable Notification Containing Some Text in Android
Notification is a type of message that is generated by any application present inside the mobile phone, suggesting to check the application and this could be anything from an update (Low priority notification) to something that’s not going right in the application (High priority notification). A basic notification consists of a title, a line of text, and one or more actions the user can perform in response. To provide even more information, one can also create large, expandable notifications by applying one of several notification templates as described in this article. Some daily life examples could be the notifications appended by Whatsapp, Gmail, SMS, etc in the notification drawer, where the user can expand it and can find some details about the message received such as sender name, subject and some part of the text in case of Gmail. In this article let’s create a notification inside an application that contains some text....
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How to Read Data from Back4App Database in Android?
We have seen adding data to the Back4App database in the Android app. In this article, we will take a look at reading this data from our database in our Android App....
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PopView in Android
In this article, PopView is added to android. When users tap on the view a pop animation with a circular dust effect will appear. A new view can also appear after the popping of the older view. PopView can be used to hide the view or change the view. It makes the user interface more attractive. Suppose a Launcher app is to be made then in that app close recently used applications where it can use. This view will help us to achieve a better user experience....
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How to Implement GridView Inside a Fragment in Android?
A GridView is a versatile and efficient widget that allows you to display items in a grid-like fashion, perfect for presenting images, icons, or any structured data. Fragments, on the other hand, are essential components for building flexible and modular user interfaces. They enable the creation of reusable UI components that can be combined to create rich and responsive layouts....
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Top 10 Best Low-Code Development Platforms To Build Apps
Whether you are running any profile business regarding sports, grocery products, or any other service, you will require a user database to successfully meet the demands of customers, Here comes the role of websites and applications. The applications provide a better and more streamlined approach to the users as well as the proprietor to manage data and use sufficient machine learning approaches to sell a product....
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