8 Steps to Take to Release an Android App on a Budget
It might be tough to prepare for an app’s upcoming release. There are numerous factors to take into account and numerous activities to prepare for. In this post, we’ll talk about how successful business owners and organizations prepare for their app releases and how to execute a successful app launch. To make an app successful, you don’t need a huge budget. Even when owners and developers give an app everything they have, it still fails. Applications’ use, quality, and, most crucially, how you introduce them to the public all have a role in how successful they are, How to Release a New App on a Budget...
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How to Use FlycoSystemBar Library in Android App?
FlycoSystemBar can be used in the same way that any other Java library would. Please add the jar files to your classpath. You can also use any IDE to run and debug the FlycoSystemBar component, just like you would any other Java program. Use a build tool that supports dependency management, such as Maven or Gradle, as best practice. Please visit maven.apache.org for Maven installation instructions. Please visit gradle.org for Gradle installation instructions. Below is a quick overview of the FlycoSystemBar functionality and assist you in determining whether it meets your needs....
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How to Select Multiple Images from Gallery in Android?
In the previous article, we have seen How to Select an Image from Gallery in Android but most of the time when we are posting a status on whatsapp or posting a post on facebook or instagram we select more than one images. So in this article, it’s been discussed step by step how to select one or more than one image from the gallery and then we will see the total count of selected image. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language....
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AudioManager in Android with Example
AudioManager is a class provided by Android which can be used to control the ringer volume of your Android device. With the help of this Audio Manager class, you can easily control the ringer volume of your device. Audio Manager Class can be used by calling the getSystemService() method in Android. When you create Audio Manager Class then you can use setRingerMode() method to change the ringer volume of your device. The setRingerMode() method takes an integer parameter to set the ringer profile of your device. There are three different integer parameters that need to be passed in setRingerMode() method are as follows:...
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How to Print to the Console in Android Studio?
In computer technology, the console is simply a combination of a monitor and an input device. Generally, the input device is referred to here as the pair of mouse and keyboard. In order to proceed with the topic, we have to understand the terminology of computer science, which is an important part of the process of developing software, and it’s called debugging. Debugging is the process of identifying a bug or an error and fixing it properly for the software. We have to test the software before producing it on market in multiple phases. We have to debug the errors also, then only software will be pure error-free and it will be ready for production. The most of the things which computer does with our code is invisible for us. For Debugging, we have to identify the error first then only we can solve that error. If you want to see the error, then you have to print or log it to our console directly. There are many and different methods in different programming languages for doing it....
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Flutter – Schedule Local Notification using Timezone
In this article, we will explore the process of scheduling local notifications using the Timezone package in Flutter....
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Flutter – OTP Input Fields
Modern applications majorly that require OTP verification require OTP style input fields. We need to generate larger boilerplate code for creating amazing input fields. Then, the pinput package comes to the rescue. With this package, we can create customizable OTP input fields easily. Let us see its implementation in this article....
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Flutter – Tooltip Widget
Tooltip is a built-in widget in flutter based on material design, which displays a textual description of the widget in a floating label when a user long-pressed and or hover over the widget. Tooltip widget becomes very useful when the UI of the application is too dense to display all the information at once on the screen, in a way it simply makes the app more accessible. There are two ways to implement the Tooltip in a widget, the first one is by using the widget itself and the other way is limited to some widgets such as IconButton, FloatingActionButton, etc which provide tooltip as a property which in turn takes in a string as a parameter. One should remember that the Tooltip widget is customizable through its properties but the tooltip property isn’t....
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Google’s New Android Features Make iPhone Look Like A Search Slowpoke​
Google just dropped some seriously cool updates for Android that make the iPhone seem like it’s stuck in slow motion. Imagine Android as the superhero speeding through the digital world while the iPhone is trying to keep up like a laid-back turtle. Get ready to discover the awesome features that have turned Android into a speedster, leaving the iPhone trailing behind. It’s time to fasten your seatbelts for a tech adventure like never before!...
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Bottom Navigation Bar in Android Using Kotlin
We all have come across apps that have a Bottom Navigation Bar. Some popular examples include Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. In this article, we will learn about bottom navigation using Fragments. We will learn it by making a project in android studio. Here we will be using Kotlin as the language for development....
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Dagger Hilt in Android with Example
Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern to decouple the conventional dependency relationship between objects. When it comes to DI in android Dagger always takes a lead. But it is very complex and requires a lot of boilerplate codes in order to set up the Dagger. So, to overcome this problem Hilt was introduced. Dagger Hilt simplifies the whole process and reduces the unnecessary steps without losing any of the features of the original Dagger....
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Storage Access Framework in Android 13
Storage Access Framework is first introduced in Android 4.4, but has come a long way, and has hugely improved in Android 13. Users can easily browse and open documents, photos, and other files from any of their favorite document storage providers thanks to the SAF. Users may browse files and access recent consistently across apps and providers thanks to a common, user-friendly UI. In this article, we will know how to use the SAF to traverse through databases in your user’s device in a breeze and pull up the relevant information quickly....
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