How to Use Proguard in Android Application Properly?
While writing the code for your Android app, there may be some lines of code that are unnecessary and may increase the size of your app’s APK. Aside from useless code, there are numerous libraries that you may have incorporated in your program but did not use all of the functionalities that each library provides. Also, you may have developed some code that will be obsolete in the future and failed to delete it. These factors are to blame for the increased size of your application’s APK. Android has Proguard capability to minimize the size of the APK. Using Proguard aids in fulfilling the three functions listed below:...
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Material Design Component Navigation Rail in Android
Material Design Components (MDC Android) offers designers and developers a way to implement Material Design in their Android applications. Developed by a core team of engineers and UX designers at Google, these components enable a reliable development workflow to build beautiful and functional Android applications. Material design in Android is one of the key features that attracts and engages the customer towards the application. This is a special type of design, which is guided by Google. So in this article, it has been demonstrated how to use Navigation Rail in android. Have a look at the following image to get an overview of the discussion....
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Testing an Android Application with Example
Testing is an essential part of the Android app development process. It helps to ensure that the app works as expected, is bug-free, and provides a seamless user experience. Android offers various testing tools and frameworks that can be used to write and execute different types of tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and UI tests....
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How to Uninstall APK Automatically Before Run or Debug in Android Studio?
In this article, we will discuss how we can uninstall the APK from the android device before we run or debug the app in android studio. We almost have to test that when a new user comes to our app, he/she will be shown a first-time login/welcome screen. To test this feature, we have to uninstall the app before we proceed to show the latest changed code in the Android Studio. The prerequisite of this topic is you must have Android Studio installed on your device. So, let’s start by creating an android project first....
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Input Quantity in Flutter
A Flutter widget for quantity input. Increase or decrease the input value by pressing the button. Built with a text field, InputQty also supports typing input quantity manually. The input value will automatically return to the preset maximum/minimum value. The cursor will automatically move to the right side after typing....
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Difference Between Android Studio and Flutter
Android Studio is a part of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) technology stack. It describes it as an Android Development Environment and is based on the IntelliJ IDEA. It was formerly known as Android Development Tools (ADT), which adds additional capabilities and improvements to the eclipse....
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How to Detect and Remove Keylogger From Android?
Android operating system is the largest installed base among various mobile platforms across the globe. Hundreds of millions of mobile devices are powered by Android in more than 190 countries of the world. It conquered around 71% of the global market share by the end of 2021, and this trend is growing bigger every other day. As Android is the most popular operating system used by most smartphones. Therefore, hackers are always trying to steal sensitive and financial data from Android users. To perform this illegal activity they often used malicious software and programs so that they steal data from smartphones. And one of the most used malicious software used by hackers is the keylogger....
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Shimmer Container in Flutter
A Shimmer Container is the fade-in and fade-out effect, We can show it instead using CircularProgressIndicator or Linear progress indicator that looks decent. While fetching the data from the API or from the database we need to wait as it is an asynchronous process, we need to do something on the user screen, shimmer containers do that job for use further if we got the data we will show them....
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How to Use ButterKnifeZelezny X Plugin in Android Studio?
Laziness is one of the most powerful properties of a good programmer, most android developers know about JakeWharton’s ButterKnife annotation library. Without writing repeated elements like findViewById() and setONClickListner(), we use this library, so it can reduce the developer burden to write the same code again and again when there are many views in the layout that need to get references through findViewByID(). The 7 features of butterknife plug-ins are:...
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Compile our own Android Kernel in 5 Simple Steps
The Android kernel helps the applications to communicate with the hardware components of the device....
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Tapjacking in Android
Just as the world is progressing towards a more advanced state, and operating systems getting more and more sophisticated, so are the people who want to hijack them for their benefit. The new standard of a security breach is Tapjacking which is getting a serious concern in many countries and needs some fixes to be safe. In this article, we will learn about what is Tapjacking and how can you be a developer to prevent it from happening in your Android Application....
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Fluid Slider Animations in Android
Here we are going to see how we can implement Fluid Slider Animation in android studio using Kotlin. The idea to use this slider scale in our applications makes our UI look beautiful and more interactive....
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