Containerization using Docker
Docker is the containerization platform that is used to package your application and all its dependencies together in the form of containers to make sure that your application works seamlessly in any environment which can be developed or tested or in production. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers....
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Best Books to Learn Front-End Web Development
There is a huge demand for Front-End Web Developers or Web Designers in IT and Front-End Developer Jobs are also one of the highest-paying jobs. These all are the reason people love to choose this field. Frontend development is all about UI/UX where the main concern is related to the layout, styling, or designing of the website. Every web designer or frontend developer’s journey starts from HTML and CSS and after a better understanding of both, they need to jump into Javascript to add interactive features to their HTML and CSS design....
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10 Best Full Stack Developer Courses with Certification [2024]
Feeling anxious about job stability in the tech industry? Don’t sweat it! Upskilling is your key to unlocking a promising future. Among the most sought-after and well-paid paths lies full-stack development, the art of mastering both the front-end and back-end of websites and applications....
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Frontend Developer Roadmap 2024
Frontend development means to design the face of a website or application. It involves working on the appearance of the website. Building interactive buttons, using images and animations, or any other aspect that involves enhancing the appearance of the webpage....
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10 Things You Should Know As a Web Developer
Writing a thousand lines of code and turning that into a website is one of the most creative and complicated things for web developers. If you get excited seeing a lot of beautiful websites and thinking to try your hands on them then we need to open your eyes by telling you some important things that you should know as a web developer....
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What are custom attributes in HTML5 ?
Custom attributes are attributes that are not part of the standard HTML5 attributes but are explicitly created. They allow us to add our information to HTML tags. These attributes store private information specific to a page or application, providing a way to add custom data to HTML elements...
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How to display HTML tags as plain text in HTML ?
In this article, we will learn how to display HTML tags as plain text in HTML. We can replace the plain text by using < with   &lt; or &60; and >   with  &gt; or &62; on each HTML tag....
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What is a Website ?
A website is a collection of many web pages, and web pages are digital files that are written using HTML(HyperText Markup Language). To make your website available to every person in the world, it must be stored or hosted on a computer connected to the Internet round a clock. Such computers are known as a Web Server....
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How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2024
How did you feel when you created your first login form on a web page after so many trials and tested templates (don’t say that you created everything from scratch…)? … How did you feel when you gave the layout to your first web application after multiple changes (Yes…you took the reference of some other websites or template as per requirement…)?… How did you feel when you successfully handled thousands of users’ sensitive information at the backend to build an application (It was scary…)?...
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Top 10 Best JavaScript Books Recommended By the Professionals
At the start of every year, you often make resolutions that you will do something productive this year, so you decide to learn new things or sharpen your already learned skill sets. If Web Development comes in the above-given criteria, then you are at the right place....
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How to Deploy Your React Websites on GitHub?
Building a web application is always exciting for developers especially when you step into the programming world for the first time. You build the front end of your application after a lot of struggle and you want to showcase your skill, your creativity, and of course your hard work to the world. Some of the folks might be familiar with the free hosting website where they can host their application. Some of you might be also familiar with Github pages to deploy the static web page. If you don’t know then here is the link to check that… Using GitHub to Host a Free Static Website. Well, these resources are quite popular to make your web app live on the server, and why not if it’s quite useful and available free of cost....
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Top 7 React Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024
React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries widely used in the software industry for projects in different domains like web applications, mobile apps, user interfaces, and more due to its flexibility, efficiency, component-based architecture, and many other features. Many top companies like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, etc. They use React to develop their products. One of the most popular social media platforms, Facebook, has a number of its components built with React due to its features, some of which are as follows:...
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