Top 10 Mini Project Ideas For Computer Science Students
Projects play a vital role in both enhancing skill sets and making a CV (curriculum vitae) stronger. If you have good projects in your CV, this undoubtedly makes a good impression on the recruiters. Also, If one wants to master some new skill, the only way is to implement it in some project. New technologies can be learned through courses and video lectures but the implementation can only be learned by doing. When people lack in implementation part, this results in a poor skill set. The best way to learn any technology is to learn the basics of it and start building some projects based on the same technology....
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10 Best Tools For Front-End Web Development
As you can see, online businesses are becoming more and more concerned about the UI of their respective websites to provide a better user experience and generate better ROI – the demand for Front-End Developers has also increased significantly in recent years....
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Explain the working of Node.js
Welcome to the world of Node.js, an open-source runtime environment that has transformed the landscape of backend development. Traditionally, JavaScript was confined for frontend development, powering user interactions on the browser. However, with the advent of Node.js, JavaScript has broken free from these chains and now reigns on the server-side as well, enabling full-stack development with a single language. Node.js runs on chrome v8 engine which converts javascript code into machine code, it is highly scalable, lightweight, fast, and data-intensive....
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Top 10 PHP Projects Ideas with Source Code for Beginners
PHP is a server-side scripting language, mainly used for web development. It is used for creating dynamic websites because it was specifically designed for web development. To learn any language, the best way is to build projects on it, which will lead to exponential learning and make your concepts clear regarding that language. to learn PHP you can build the below Project Ideas with source code that is chosen specifically for beginners....
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How to Host a Website on GitHub For Free?
It is very important to have an online presence if you are an individuals or having a businesses. Fortunately platforms like GitHub provides the facility to host a website for free. In this article, we will see How to Host a Website on GitHub For Free....
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How Web Works – Web Application Architecture for Beginners
For many decades we are browsing our favorite websites on the internet and getting a quick response whatever we want… but do you ever try to know how each part of the application works together and how is the request being processed behind the scene? If you’re a little bit familiar with tech then you may have a general and a common answer that your request goes to the web server, then the webserver processes the request and perform all the backend logic. After that, it sends the response back to the web browser and then you see the result in front of your screen....
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How to configure ESLint for React Projects ?
ESLint in React is a JavaScript linting tool that is used for automatically detecting incorrect patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. It is used with the purpose of improving code quality, making code more consistent, and avoiding bugs....
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How to show/hide an element using jQuery ?
In this article, we will learn how to show/hide an element using jQuery. We can do these using jQuery methods like css(), show(), hide(), and toggle() methods....
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Begin Web Development with a Head Start
To get a head start in web development, you can take the following steps:...
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Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks For Web Development
JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language that supports programming types that are event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based). Originally, JavaScript was only used on the client side. Although, JavaScript is still used as a server-side programming language these days. To sum up, in a short sentence, JavaScript is the language of the web. So, to learn web development, you should know the best JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development to enhance your productivity....
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How to Choose The Right Database for Your Application?
“I’ll just choose X, it’s the DB I know and worked with”....
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Difference between isset() and empty() Functions
The empty() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to check whether a variable is empty or not....
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