JavaScript ES2015: Block Scoping
In this article, we will see what is Block scoping in Javascript, access to the block-scoped variables, how it is distinct from other kinds of variable’s scope, through the examples. Prior to ES2015, JavaScript supported only function-level scoping unlike other languages like C++/Java which has block-level scoping. With ES2015, in addition to function-level scoping, JavaScript also supports block-level scoping with the help of the let keyword & const keyword....
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5 Best Linux Distros For Programming
Linux’s distributions are highly recommended for web developers and programmers. The host operating system and web server on a Linux machine need to implement HTTP/HTTPS protocol and support Nginx, Apache, or any other suitable web server for that matter....
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10 HTML Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]
Aren’t we always confused at the first step in the development of our project? As a beginner, it is natural that we struggle to find a topic for the project to work on. Well, if you are waiting for the first step to get an idea, you are at the right place. We did some good research as a result of which we have brought to you the best project ideas on HTML. These are beginner-friendly. We’ve also brainstormed and added more features that you could use in your webpage....
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8 Useful Testing Tools, Libraries and Frameworks For React Developers
We all know the love of developers for the most popular library React. It’s easy to learn and it’s easy to build the user interface of any website using React. If you’re building an application no matter what you should test your application before serving it to the user....
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10 Best Angular Projects Ideas For Beginners
Angular, a popular JavaScript framework developed by Google, is known for its ability to create dynamic and responsive web applications. Whether you’re new to Angular or looking to enhance your skills, working on real-world projects can significantly boost your understanding and proficiency. In this article, we’ll explore the Top 10 Angular project ideas for beginners that are both challenging and fun to build....
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10 Most Common HTTP Status Codes
You search for anything on Google, and by this, a request is being sent to the server, then the server responds. This response is done using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) by the server. There can be two cases – the server may respond with the information it has, or else it may show an error with a code. Whenever there’s an error in the back end, the server responds with an error code that explains what error could have happened....
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Top 10 Front End Developer Skills That You Need in 2024
In today’s digital world, the internet has become an integral part of our lives, and websites are the gateway to the online world. When you visit a website, the first thing that captures your attention is generally its design and user interface. This crucial aspect of web development is the domain of front-end developers....
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5 HTTP Methods in RESTful API Development
JavaScript is by far one of the most popular languages when it comes to web development, powering most websites and web applications. Not being limited to only the client-side JavaScript is also one of the most popular languages which are used for developing server-side applications. Organizations use Javascript to create interactive and dynamic web applications for their customers. Today, most modern web applications rely on using REST architecture to improve the website’s dynamic capabilities....
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Introduction to Javascript Engines
JavaScript is a scripting language and is not directly understood by computer but the browsers have inbuilt JavaScript engine which help them to understand and interpret JavaScript codes. These engines help to convert our JavaScript program into computer-understandable language....
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How to Toggle Password Visibility using HTML and JavaScript ?
In this article, we will learn about how to toggle password visibility using HTML and Javascript. Passwords are those input types that take hidden inputs. It can be shown and hidden from the user by toggling its type between text and password....
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Top 5 MERN Projects To Add In Resume
The MERN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, is a powerful combination for full-stack web development. Creating projects with the MERN stack not only helps you understand how these technologies work together but also enhances your portfolio, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. Here are the top 5 best MERN projects to add to your resume....
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Difference between link and anchor Tags
The HTML language is the most basic component of web development. If you are a beginner to web development, learning about HTML then you must have discovered the “link” and “a” tag. These two entities <link> and <a>, are used for some kind of linking so if you are confused between them or want to learn about the actual difference between them, Then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to differentiate them, followed by the actual definition with examples of both....
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