How to display logged in user information in PHP ?
In social networking websites like Facebook, Instagram, etc, the username and profile picture of the user that has logged in gets displayed in the header of the website, and that header remains constant, irrespective of the webpage the user has opened. of the logged-in user is displayed.The first step is to create a database, and then a table inside it. The database is named ‘registration’, and the table is named ‘users’. The ‘users’ table will contain 4 fields....
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How to read and write Excel file in Node.js ?
Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that can also be used to read from a file and write to a file which can be in txt, ods, xlsx, docx, etc format....
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How to set the button alignment in Bootstrap ?
Bootstrap buttons are no different from any other DOM elements of an HTML document. Aligning them is more likely the same as aligning paragraphs, divs and sections. Here are some of the scenarios that one can encounter....
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How to redirect to a particular section of a page using HTML or jQuery?
Redirection will take the user to the desired page or section of the website that the user wants to visit. We will do it using HTML and jQuery differently. Let us take a look at the practical implementations....
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What is export default in JavaScript ?
The export statement is used when creating JavaScript modules to export objects, functions, and variables from the module so they can be used by other programs with the help of the import statements. There are two types of exports. One is Named Exports and the other is Default Exports....
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How to reset a form using jQuery with .reset() method?
In this article, we will implement the reset functionality with the reset() method in jQuery and reset all the input fields of a form. Resetting anything will set everything back to its original state. JQuery doesn’t have a reset() method, but native JavaScript does. So, we convert the jQuery element to a JavaScript object....
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How to encrypt and decrypt passwords using PHP ?
The best way to encrypt and decrypt passwords is to use a standard library in PHP because the method of properly encrypting and decrypting passwords from scratch is complex and involves multiple possibilities of security vulnerabilities. Using the standard library ensures that the hashing implementation is verified and trusted....
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Create a Search Bar using HTML and CSS
Creating a search bar using HTML and CSS is easy. A search bar is a common component found in navigation menus, allowing users to search for specific content within a website. By following the steps below, you’ll be able to add a functional and visually attractive search bar to your web pages....
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How to target desktop, tablet and mobile using Media Query ?
Media queries allow targeting different devices by adjusting CSS styles based on their screen size and resolution. By specifying breakpoints, developers can optimize layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, ensuring a responsive design across various screen sizes....
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What are the differences between npm and npx ?
If you are building a web application with JavaScript then it is very crucial to use tools like npm or npx to manage the environment packages. But if they both used for the same purposes then why both npm and npx are used in different scenarios. In this article, we will understand what they actually are and what makes them distinct....
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Tags vs Elements vs Attributes in HTML
In HTML, tags represent the structural components of a document, such as <h1> for headings. Elements are formed by tags and encompass both the opening and closing tags along with the content. Attributes provide additional information or properties to elements, enhancing their functionality or appearance....
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HTML Collection for Loop
It is not recommended to use a for/in loop to loop through an HTMLCollection because this type of loop is used for iterating through properties of an object. The HTML Collection contains other properties that may be returned along with the required elements. There are 3 methods that can be used to properly loop through an HTMLCollection....
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