How to get selected text from a drop-down list using jQuery?
In this article, we will learn how we can get the text of the selected option in a select tag using jQuery. There are two ways in jQuery that we can use to accomplish this task....
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How to write a:hover in inline CSS?
It is called pseudo-selector and used to select all the elements when the user move mouse over the elements. It can be used on all the element. A <!DOCTYPE html> element must be declared in the document to see the working of this selector in all the elements....
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How to Add Image into Dropdown List for each items ?
Programmers can add images into the dropdown list for each items by two methods which are mentioned below....
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How to open popup using Angular and Bootstrap ?
Adding Bootstrap to your Angular application is an easy process. Just write the following command in your Angular CLI. It will add bootstrap into your node_modules folder....
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File uploading in Node
File uploading involves a user requesting to upload a file from their client machine to the server. For instance, on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, users upload images, videos, etc. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve file uploads using Node.js....
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CSS Combine background image with gradient overlay
CSS gradients allow for smooth transitions between two or more colors and can be combined with background images to create visually appealing designs. By using the background-image property, you can overlay gradients on top of background images to enhance their appearance....
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How to Create a Facebook Phishing Page ?
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How to refresh a page using jQuery?
In jQuery, you can use simple methods to refresh a page, ensuring that the current content is reloaded for a fresh experience. we have some common methods to refresh our page....
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How to Display Spinner on the Screen till the data from the API loads using Angular 8 ?
The task is to display a spinner on the page until the response from the API comes. Here we will be making a simple CSS spinner which will load till the data from API comes. You can also take bootstrap spinners or can make spinner on your own....
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How to add table row in a table using jQuery?
jQuery can be used to add table rows dynamically. This can be used in web applications where the user may need to add more rows if required....
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What is greater-than sign (>) selector in CSS?
The greater than sign (>) selector in CSS is used to select the element with a specific parent. It is called as element > element selector. It is also known as the child combinator selector which means that it selects only those elements which are direct children of a parent. It looks only one level down the markup structure and not further deep down. Elements which are not the direct child of the specified parent is not selected....
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How to use Class in Node ?
In Node, classes function as templates for creating objects in object-oriented programming, encapsulating both data and behavior. They provide a structured and reusable approach to defining and instantiating objects within a JavaScript program....
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