How to make JavaScript wait for a API request to return?
Prerequisite:Async/Await Function in Javascript...
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Difference between npm and yarn
NPM and Yarn are package managers that help to manage a project’s dependencies. A dependency is, as it sounds, something that a project depends on, a piece of code that is required to make the project work properly. We need them because managing the project’s dependencies is a difficult task and it quickly becomes tedious, and out of hand when the project grows. By managing the dependencies, we mean to include, un-include, and update them....
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How to apply !important in CSS?
The !important rule in CSS is used to add more importance to a property/value than normal. It forces a style to override any other declarations, ensuring the specified property value is applied, regardless of specificity. It helps resolve conflicts but should be used sparingly to avoid complicating stylesheet management....
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jQuery UI Date Picker
A date-picker of jQuery UI is used to provide a calendar to the user to select the date from a Calendar. This date picker is usually connected to a text box so user selection of date from the calendar can be transferred to the textbox. You need to add the below CDN to your HTML document to use it....
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How to scroll to an element inside a div using javascript?
To scroll to an element inside a div using JavaScript, you can use the `scrollTop` property of the parent div, setting it to the target element’s `offsetTop`. This adjustment allows you to smoothly navigate to a specific element within a scrollable container without using a full-page scroll. There are lots of methods to scroll to an element. The following are the methods available in JavaScript to scroll to an element....
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How to override the CSS properties of a class using another CSS class ?
To override CSS properties with another class, use the `!important` directive in CSS, emphasizing a style’s importance, overriding others. Applying a new class to an element replaces or modifies styles from its original class, allowing targeted adjustments to appearance, layout, or behavior....
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How to add `style=display:“block”` to an element using jQuery?
In this article, we will learn how we can add the style=display: “block” inline style to the HTML elements using jQuery. There are multiple approaches to achieve this task as follows:...
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How to convert blob to base64 encoding using JavaScript ?
Blob is a fundamental data type in JavaScript. Blob stands for Binary Large Object and it is a representation of bytes of data. Web browsers support the Blob data type for holding data. Blob is the underlying data structure for the File object and the FileReader API. Blob has a specific size and file type just like ordinary files and it can be stored and retrieved from the system memory. Blob can also be converted and read as Buffers. Buffers are very handy to store binary data such as the binary data of an image or a file. We will be using the FileReader API to convert Blob to a Base64 Encoded String in JavaScript....
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How to enable cURL in PHP?
Often, web applications require HTTP based UserID and Password authentication, cookies, and form uploads. Even, user authentication with Google or Facebook sign-in is done via HTTP. In these types of cases, we need to request a particular service server(Like Google’s) for user validation and authentication token on our server. The entire process takes place through the service server’s APIs. The cURL helps our web applications to interact/communicate with those APIs on the HTTP level....
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Node vs Express
Node.js and Express are two essential tools in the JavaScript ecosystem, especially for server-side development. While they are often used together, they serve different purposes. This article will explain what Node.js and Express are, their key differences, and when to use each....
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How to take screenshot of a div using JavaScript ?
A screenshot of any element in JavaScript can be taken using the html2canvas library. This library can be downloaded from its official website. The below steps show the method to take a screenshot of a <div> element using JavaScript....
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Import and Export in Node.js
Importing and exporting files are important parts of any programming language. Importing functions or modules enhances the reusability of code. When the application grows in size, maintaining a single file with all the functions and logic becomes difficult. It also hinders the process of debugging. Therefore, it is good practice to create separate files for specific functions and later import them as per requirement....
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