Moment.js isDSTShifted() Function
It is used to check daylight saving time-shifted in Node.js using the isDSTShifted() function. Another important thing is to know if the date has been moved by a DST....
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Moment.js Customize Weekday Abbreviations
In this article, we will discuss the customized weekday abbreviations in detail with examples in Moment.js....
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Moment.js moment.duration().clone() Method
The moment().duration().clone() Method is used to clone the given Duration object. As the Duration object is mutable, it can be used to save a copy of the current Duration like a snapshot by using this method, including all its properties and attributes....
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Moment.js Customize Relative Time Rounding
Moment.js is a JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. Moment.js Customize Relative Time Rounding is used to round off time as per the requirement. Here, relative means the time would be rounded-off with respect to the current time. We can control the rounding using moment.relativeTimeRounding....
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Moment.js Recur Plugin
The Recur plugin is used when one wants to work with recurring dates. This plugin makes it possible to construct length-based intervals (days, weeks, etc.) and calendar-based intervals with this plugin (daysOfMonth, monthsOfYear, etc.)....
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Moment.js Business Plugin
Using the Moment.js Business plugin, you can use Moment for workweeks that follow the Western calendar: 7-day workweeks with Saturday and Sunday off. It provides a list of functions to identify weekdays, weekends, etc....
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Moment.js using with Bower
Moment.js is a popular JavaScript library used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It is a lightweight library that makes it easy to work with dates and times in JavaScript. Bower is a package manager for the web and is used to manage packages and dependencies. It is a great tool to help with the installation and management of Moment.js and its associated dependencies....
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Moment.js Parsing Now
Moment.js is a date library for JavaScript that parses, validates, manipulates, and formats dates. We can use the moment() function passed to get the current date and time....
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Moment.js moment().toArray() Method
The moment().toArray() method is used to return an array that is similar to the parameters of a new Date() object. The array contains the values for the year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds....
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Moment.js Strftime Plugin
Moment.js supports a general date format syntax that everyone commonly uses. However, it does not have support for Unix-style strftime which is found in generally many libraries except Javascript. The moment-strftime is a plugin for Moment.js that adds this strftime method to be used with all the other functions....
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Moment.js MSDate Plugin
Moment.js MSDate Plugin is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to parse OLE Automation dates into Moment.js date objects and vice versa. An OLE Automation date is a fractional value that consists of the number of days before or after the midnight of 30 December 1899 and the time of the day divided by 24....
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Moment.js German Holiday (Feiertag) Plugin
In this article, we will learn about moment-feiertage, a moment.js plugin....
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