Moment.js moment().max(Moment|String|Number|Date|Array) Method
The moment().max() method limits the moment to a maximum of another moment value. We can also say that m1.max(m2) is the same as m1 = moment.min(m1, m2). This method is the counterpart of moment.min() method....
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Moment.js moment().weekYear() Method
The moment().weekYear() Method is used to get or set the current week-year of the Moment. This method is Locale-aware meaning that the first day of the week can be a Sunday or Monday depending on the Locale of the Moment. This may cause the week-year to differ as the first day of the first week may not fall on the first day of the year depending on the Locale....
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Moment.js moment().invalid() Method
The moment().invalid() method is used to return an invalid Moment object. This can be used in making our own parsers. The method accepts an object that can be used to specify the given parsingFlags in the object. We can specify any parsing flag, even if it is not recognized by Moment....
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Moment.js moment.duration().get(String) Method
The moment().duration().get() Method is used to return the specified time value from a duration object. It is basically an alternative to other getter functions like weeks(), months(), hours() etc. It also supports all shorthand keys from the moment.add() method....
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Moment.js Date Ranges Plugin
The Date Ranges Plugin is a moment.js plugin that can be used when working with date ranges is necessary....
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Moment.js moment().isoWeekYear() Method
The moment().isoWeekYear() method is used to get or set the ISO week year of the Moment object. An ISO week-numbering system considers leap weeks in its system. This allows it to have only 52 or 53 full weeks. This is made possible by considering the number of days to be either 364 or 371 days instead of 365 or 366 days. This makes the method return the same date regardless of its locale....
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Moment.js moment.duration().months() Method
The moment().duration().months() method is used to get the month of the duration. This method returns a value between 0 and 11....
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Moment.js Precise Range Plugin
MomentJS is a JavaScript library that helps parsing, validating, manipulating and displaying date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way. This chapter will provide an overview of MomentJS and discusses its features in detail. Moment JS allows displaying of date as per localization and in human-readable format....
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Moment.js Duration Format Plugin
The Duration plugin makes it possible to add a lot of formatting options to Moment Durations of the Moment.js JavaScript date library. This will make it possible to describe a duration as required by the user....
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Moment.js Customize Weekday
Moment.js is very easy to customize. In general, you should create a locale setting with your customizations....
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Moment.js Java DateFormat Parser Plugin
Moment.js is a JavaScript library that helps parse, validate, manipulate, and display date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way. It also allows displaying of dates as per localization and in a human-readable format....
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Moment.js moment.duration().years() Method
The moment().duration().years() method is used to get the years of the duration. This method returns the number of complete years in the duration, thereby returning a whole number as the value....
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