Moment.js isSameOrBefore() Function
It is used to check where a date is the same or before a particular date in Moment.js using the isSameOrBefore() function that checks if a moment is before or the same as another moment. The first argument will be parsed as a moment, if not already so....
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Moment.js isDate() Function
Given a value to the variable and the task is to check whether a variable is an actual date or not in Moment.js using the isDate() method. To check if a variable is a native js Date object, use moment.isDate() method....
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Moment.js moment().set() Method
The moment().set() method is used to set the given unit of time to the Moment object. The unit can be specified in all the recognized variations of the unit including its plural and short forms. The time can also be set using an object that contains all the needed units of time together....
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Moment.js moment.minute() Method
The moment().minute() Method is used to get the minutes from the current time or to set the minutes....
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Moment.js moment().fromNow() Function
The moment().fromNow() function is used to calculate the time from now in Node.js. This function returns the time, spend from the date which is passed in the parameter....
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Moment.js moment().weekday(Number) Method
The moment().weekday() method is used to get or set the weekday of the Moment object. It is locale aware hence the value can depend based on whether the first day of the week is a Sunday or Monday. When the range of the weekday is exceeded on either side, it will set the weekday for the next or previous week....
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Moment.js isDST() Function
It is used to check daylight saving time in Moment.js using the isDST() function. This function checks if the current moment is in daylight saving time....
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Moment.js moment().utcOffset() Method
The moment().utcOffset() method is used to specify the given Moment object’s UTC offset. An optional parameter can be passed that preserves the current time value and only changes the offset....
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Moment.js moment().toString() Method
The moment().toString() Method is used to return a human-readable string of the Moment object in English. It is similar to the native Date object’s toString() method. The date return contains the Weekday, Month, Day, Year, Time and Timezone Offset....
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Moment.js moment().add() Method
The moment().add() method is used to add the given unit of time to the Moment object. The unit can be specified in all the recognized variations of the unit including its plural and short forms....
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Moment.js moment.duration().seconds() Method
The moment().duration().seconds() method is used to get the number of seconds of the duration. This number of seconds is calculated as a subset of a minute, therefore having a value between 0 and 59....
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Moment.js isMoment() Function
It is used to check whether a variable is a particular moment or not in Moment.js using the isMoment() function that checks if a variable is a moment object, use moment.isMoment()....
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