How to calculate multiplication and division of two numbers using JavaScript ?
We will see the calculation such as multiplication and division using Javascript. An arithmetic operation operates on two numbers and numbers are called operands....
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Operator precedence in JavaScript
Operator precedence refers to the priority given to operators while parsing a statement that has more than one operator performing operations in it. Operators with higher priorities are resolved first. But as one goes down the list, the priority decreases and hence their resolution....
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JavaScript Pipeline Operator
The JavaScript Pipeline Operator (|>) is used for passing the result of one expression into a function. It’s particularly useful for making long chains of functions easier to read. With this operator, the value before it gets sent as input to the function that follows. You simply arrange the functions in the order you want them to act on the input....
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What is the difference between == and === in PHP ?
In this article, we will discuss the differences between ‘==’ and ‘===’ operators in PHP. Both are comparison operators used to compare two or more values....
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JavaScript Arithmetic Operators
JavaScript Arithmetic Operators are the operators that operate upon the numerical values and return a numerical value. Any kind of arithmetic operations performance requires these operators....
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JavaScript Bitwise Operators
JavaScript uses 32-bit Bitwise operands. A number is stored as a 64-bit floating-point number but the bit-wise operation is performed on a 32-bit binary number i.e. to perform a bit-operation JavaScript converts the number into a 32-bit binary number (signed) and performs the operation and converts back the result to a 64-bit number....
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JavaScript Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables in JavaScript....
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PHP | Bitwise Operators
The Bitwise operators is used to perform bit-level operations on the operands. The operators are first converted to bit-level and then calculation is performed on the operands. The mathematical operations such as addition , subtraction , multiplication etc. can be performed at bit-level for faster processing. In PHP, the operators that works at bit level are:...
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JavaScript Comparison Operators
JavaScript comparison operators are essential tools for checking conditions and making decisions in your code. They are used to evaluate whether a condition is true or false by comparing variables or values. These operators play a crucial role in logical expressions, helping to determine the equality or differences between values....
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JavaScript Comma Operator
JavaScript Comma Operator mainly evaluates its operands from left to right sequentially and returns the value of the rightmost operand. It is used as a separator for multiple expressions at a place that requires a single expression. When a comma operator is placed in an expression, it executes each expression and returns the rightmost expression....
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PHP 7 | Spaceship Operator
This article will make you aware of a very useful operator i.e the spaceship operator PHP 7. The spaceship operator or combined comparison operator is denoted by “<=>“. This is a three-way comparison operator and it can perform greater than, less than and equal comparison between two operands. This operator has similar behavior like strcmp() or version_compare(). This operator can be used with integers, floats, strings, arrays, objects, etc. This <=> operator offers combined comparison :...
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What are these triple dots (…) in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, there are multiple ways in which we can assign the value of one object to another. Sometimes we do not know the exact number of arguments that are to be assigned. In this case, the triple dots are used....
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