Scope Resolution operator in PHP
The scope resolution operator also known as Paamayim Nekudotayim or more commonly known as the double colon is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class....
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How to access object properties from result returned by async() function in JavaScript ?
In this article, we will see how to access the properties of a javascript object result returned by the async() function in Javascript....
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New Features in ECMAScript 2021 Update
ECMAScript is a part of JavaScript language which is mostly used in web technology, building websites, or web apps. ECMAScript is growing as one of the world’s most widely used general-purpose programming languages. It is majorly used in embedding with web browsers and is also adopted for server and embedded applications....
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JavaScript Ellipsis
JavaScript Ellipsis (also known as the spread/rest operator) is represented by three dots (…). It is used for various tasks, such as spreading elements of an array into individual values or collecting multiple values into an array or object. It simplifies data manipulation and function parameter handling....
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JavaScript Logical AND assignment (&&=) Operator
This operator is represented by x &&= y, and it is called the logical AND assignment operator. It assigns the value of y into x only if x is a truthy value....
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Hosting a Web Application on Microsoft Azure in IAAS
Azure provides a lot of services to host a web application whether it be static or dynamic in a number of ways...
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Double not (!!) operator in PHP
The “NOT NOT” operator or Double not(!!) operator in PHP simply returns the truth value of the variable or expression. To explain in very simple terms, the first not operator(!) negates the expression. The second not operator(!) again negates the expression resulting the true value which was present before....
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JavaScript Logical Operators
The logical operators are mostly used to make decisions based on conditions specified for the statements. It can also be used to manipulate a boolean or set termination conditions for loops. It allows us to compare variables or values....
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OR(||) Logical Operator in JavaScript
The logical OR (||) (logical disjunction) operator for a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true. It evaluates two expressions and returns true if at least one is true, otherwise, it returns false. This operator is frequently used in conditional statements to execute code when one of multiple conditions is satisfied....
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Nullish Coalescing Assignment (??=) Operator in JavaScript
This is a new operator introduced by javascript. This operator is represented by x ??= y and it is called Logical nullish assignment operator. Only if the value of x is nullish then the value of y will be assigned to x that means if the value of x is null or undefined then the value of y will be assigned to x....
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JavaScript Unary Operators
JavaScript Unary Operators work on a single operand and perform various operations, like incrementing/decrementing, evaluating data type, negation of a value, etc....
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Difference between LXC and LXD
LXC stands for Linux Containers, it is a tool that is used for the virtualization of operating systems. By using LXC one can operate any software or application in a virtual environment rather than on the physical system. The virtual environment functionality makes LXC more secure as well as cheaper. LXC is easy to operate as it comes with Control groups functionality....
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