How to return the data type of variable in JavaScript ?
To return the JavaScript data type of a variable we can use the JavaScript typeof operator. In JavaScript, unlike many other programming languages, we do not specify the type of a variable while declaring it, rather the variable’s type is automatically inferred based on the value it holds. In other words, JavaScript is a “dynamically typed” programming language. In such languages, the type of a variable can change throughout the program....
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JavaScript Nullish Coalescing(??) Operator
The nullish coalescing (??) operator is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand. It’s commonly used to provide default values for variables....
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JavaScript Grouping Operator
The Grouping operator consists of a pair of parentheses around an expression or sub-expression to override the normal operator precedence so that expressions with lower precedence can be evaluated before an expression with higher priority. This operator can only contain expressions. The parameter list is passed to a function within this operator which will treat it as an expression....
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How to get negative result using modulo operator in JavaScript ?
The %(modulo) operator in JavaScript gives the remainder obtained by dividing two numbers. There is a difference between the %(modulo) and the remainder operator. When remainder or %(modulo) is calculated on positive numbers then both behave similarly but when negative numbers are used then both behave differently....
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JavaScript yield Operator
The yield operator in JavaScript is used to hand over control of a generator function to another generator function or iterable object. It’s handy for yielding values from an inner generator or iterable object within an outer generator function. This operator finds application in tasks like working with iterators, processing data asynchronously, or creating coroutines....
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What is JavaScript >>> Operator and how to use it ?
The JavaScript >>> represents the zero-fill right shift operator. It is also called the unsigned right-bit shift operator. It comes under the category of Bitwise operators. Bitwise operators treat operands as 32-bit integer numbers and operate on their binary representation....
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Adding and Querying the data in MongoDB
Adding Data in MongoDB:...
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Difference between LAMP, MAMP and WAMP stack
A Web Stack or Web application stack refers to a compilation of software that is together used to build websites or web applications....
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JavaScript Course Logical Operators in JavaScript
logical operator is mostly used to make decisions based on conditions specified for the statements. It can also be used to manipulate a boolean or set termination conditions for loops....
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What is (~~) “double tilde” operator in JavaScript ?
This is a special kind of operator in JavaScript. To understand the double tilde operator, first, we need to discuss the tilde operator or Bitwise NOT. The (~) tilde operator takes any number and inverts the binary digits, for example, if the number is (100111) after inversion it would be (011000). So if we think closely it can be noticed that after inverting a number twice it will be the same as before, for example, invert the (011000) again and it would become (100111) as it was earlier....
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JavaScript Remainder(%) Operator
The remainder operator in JavaScript is used to get the remaining value when an operand is divided by another operand. In some languages, % is considered modulo. Modulo and Remainder work differently when the sign of both operands is different....
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JavaScript Operators Reference
Operators are used to performing specific mathematical and logical computations on operands. In other words, we can say that an operator operates the operands. In JavaScript, operators are used to compare values, perform arithmetic operations, etc....
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