Vdart Interview Experience for Technical Analyst (On-Campus) 2023

Vdart came to our campus for full-time technical analyst roles around mid-February. It was open to CSE /IT/ECE. The whole process had three rounds:

Resume Shortlisting:

Initially, around 300+ students applied for the opportunity. The company made a shortlist based on resumes. Basically, they checked projects and internships (if any). After shortlisting, they called 47 students for further rounds.

GD Round:  Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Listen actively: Pay attention to what others are saying and respond thoughtfully. Be respectful and encourage others to share their ideas.
  • Communicate clearly: Speak clearly and concisely to ensure that your points are understood. Avoid interrupting others or dominating the conversation.
  • Stay on topic: Focus on the topic at hand and avoid getting sidetracked by unrelated issues. Use specific examples to support your arguments and viewpoints.
  • Be open-minded: Be open to different perspectives and opinions, and be willing to adjust your own viewpoints based on new information or insights.
  • Collaborate effectively: Work collaboratively with the other participants to come up with solutions or recommendations to the issue at hand. Be respectful of others’ opinions and work towards finding common ground.
  • Stay calm and composed: Remain calm and composed even if the discussion becomes heated or emotional. Keep the conversation focused and avoid personal attacks or insults.
  • By keeping these points in mind and participating actively and respectfully in the GD round, you can showcase your communication and teamwork skills to the Vdart interviewers and increase your chances of moving forward in the interview process as a Technical Analyst.

Technical Round:

We were provided with a Microsoft team link for the meeting. The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me to describe my projects and asked me about my final-year project. After the discussion, questions were asked on topics like DSA, OOPs, DBMS, OS, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, and Code Output (C, C++, Java). I found the questions to be of an easy to moderate level.

  • Project Discussion.
  • Last semester’s subjects.
  • All OOPS concepts with examples.
  • C++ questions.
  • Binary Search Algorithm.

Last Round (HR)

  • Behavioral questions: HR may ask you behavioral questions to learn more about your work style, personality, and approach to problem-solving. They may ask you to provide examples of past experiences or how you would handle hypothetical scenarios.
  • Salary expectations: HR may ask you about your salary expectations for the role. Be prepared to provide a reasonable range based on your experience, qualifications, and the job requirements.
  • Motivations: HR may ask you about your motivations for applying to the position, why you are interested in the company, and what you hope to achieve in the role.
  • Work environment: HR may ask you about your work environment preferences, including your preferred work hours, location, and team dynamics. Be honest about your preferences and expectations, but also be flexible and open to different work arrangements.
  • Availability: HR may ask you about your availability to start work, your notice period at your current job, and any upcoming vacations or commitments that may impact your availability.

By preparing thoughtful and honest responses to these topics, you can increase your chances of making a positive impression in the HR Round and moving forward in the Vdart interview process as a Technical Analyst.



  • Stay calm and positive.
  • Keep practicing and staying motivated.