What is 20% of 2000?

Answer: 20% of 2000 is 400.

To calculate this, we need to understand what a percentage represents. A percentage is a fraction of 100. So, 20% means 20 out of every 100, or 2010010020​.

To find 20% of 2000, we multiply 2000 by 20/100​. The calculation is as follows:

2000 × (20/100)

We can simplify this calculation by reducing the fraction 20/100​ to 1/5​, since both 20 and 100 are divisible by 20. This simplification makes the calculation easier:

2000 × 1/5

Now, multiplying 2000 by 1551​ is the same as dividing 2000 by 5:

2000 ÷ 5 = 400

Therefore, 20% of 2000 is 400. This calculation demonstrates a basic principle in finding percentages of a given number, which is a common requirement in various mathematical and real-world applications.