What is 5% of 2000?

Calculating percentages is a common mathematical operation used in various real-world scenarios, from determining discounts during shopping to computing taxes, interest rates, and more. In this case, we’ll explore the calculation of 5% of a given value, which involves finding a fraction of the total amount.

Answer: 5% of 2000 is 100.

To calculate 5% of 2000, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Percent × Value) / 100

In this instance, the percentage is 5, and the value is 2000. Plugging these values into the formula:

5% of 2000 = (5 × 2000) / 100 = 10000 / 100 = 100

So, 5% of 2000 is equal to 100.

This calculation is valuable in various contexts, such as determining a 5% tip on a restaurant bill or calculating a 5% discount on a purchase, providing a practical application of mathematical concepts in everyday life.