ZopSmart Interview Experience (On-Campus 2020)

Round 1(Online Round ): This was a round that was different from Coding. That round was having MCQs approx 35-40 which was covering all the C, C++ and HTML, CSS, JS, DBMS, and OS concepts. 

After Clearing that First round there were 3 technical interviews(depending upon candidate ability if they satisfy maybe they will reduce by 1).

There will be 2 mandatory technical interviews.

Technical Round 1: The interviewer was very friendly, and he started my interview with my introduction and about my project. Then he asked about my coding ability. He asked me 2-3 coding questions.

  • I don’t remember the exact questions but I have done so much GFG and leetcode so you can easily do that.
  • Basically, the questions were focusing on two pointer technique and sorting.
  • Few questions on basic DS and Algo terms like sorting, searching, heaps, and graphs.
  • Then a few key terms on core subjective topics like OS and DBMS and OOPS.
  • Out of 11 appearing candidates, only 7 were able to clear it.
  • Technical Round 2: The questions were asked as follows:-
  • That interviewer was also very soft-spoken and very helping in nature.
  • He asked many questions related to Networking like the OSI model and Layers. And various things in deep DBMS like demoralization, etc.
  • Then he asked me a coding question at the end, I was given a string having lower and uppercase characters, and then he told me to check if it was a palindrome string or not.

Out of 7appearing candidates, only 4 were able to qualify for the next round. And I was one of them.

Tip: This company more focuses on problem-solving abilities, so be prepared with DS and Algorithms for clearing the interviews.