Creating a Search Engine Marketing Campaign Strategy

1. Identification of Keywords: Organisations need to identify relevant topics and broaden the same to precisely determine the appropriate keywords that the consumers will mostly be using while conducting the search function. This task can be fulfilled by certain analysis tools and software.

2. Budget Allocation: Organisations need to decide how much money they are willing to spend on a keyword.

3. Grouping of Ads: If a company is selling multiple lines of products, they need to organise and group them into a collection of ads to cut costs. In this way, they can use a particular keyword for the entire collection rather than assigning a single keyword per product.

4. Linking Landing Pages: The next step is to link the ads to a landing page with a strong user experience and effective keywords.

5. Ad Creation: After successfully grouping the ads, an advertisement needs to be generated for the entire collection. The contents must be attractive and relevant.

6. Ad Extensions: Ad extensions are used to display further information such as links, notifications, and structured samples to increase the visibility of the ad.

7. Ad Scheduling: Marketers need to schedule the appropriate time for displaying their ads to the users as such that they are more active at that particular time.

8. Bidding: In this step, the marketers bid on the keywords displayed in the search engines.

9. Analysing the Performance: The last step is analysing the performance of the campaign in the search engines through the help of tools and software and making necessary changes.

What is Search Engine Marketing and How it Works?

Search Engine Marketing is the method of promoting and advertising in which the organisation’s content is made to be found at a higher rank when searched for in a search engine. The concept is similar to search engine optimisation (SEO) except for the fact that search engine marketing is a paid advertisement. Search engine marketing helps businesses to target consumers towards their products and services. What the companies do is buy top-ranked search engine result pages to display their personalised ads through the help of an auction process. Some of the commonly used search engines are Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Search Engine Marketing includes:

  • Title of the content
  • Summarised description of the overall content
  • Attractive text that inspires the users to open the website
  • URL hyperlinks

Table of Content

  • How does Search Engine Marketing Work?
  • Importance of Search Engine Marketing
  • What is Ad Auction?
  • How Ad Auctions Work?
  • Creating a Search Engine Marketing Campaign Strategy
  • Disadvantages of Search Engine Marketing
  • Difference Between SEM and SEO

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Difference Between SEM and SEO

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