Deities and Divinities of Hinduism

Hinduism is home to a huge collection of gods and goddesses that each represent different aspects of the divine. Some of the well-known deities are:

Brahma- The universe was created by this god, the creator.

Vishnu- The preserver god, who keeps cosmic balance and incarnates on earth (avatars) to restore dharma.

Shiva- the god of destruction and transformation, related to rebirth and breakdown.

Devi- The divine feminine, which includes several goddesses, including Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Durga, who stand for knowledge, wealth, and power, respectively.

These gods are often worshipped singly or in groups known as trinities (Trimurti), where the main trinity consists of Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma.

Oldest Religion in the World – Hinduism

The oldest religion in the world is Hinduism. It all started long ago in what is now modern-day India, in an area known as the Indus Valley. It believes in things like karma, which means our actions have consequences, and reincarnation, which is when we are born again after we die. Hinduism worships many gods and goddesses, including Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. People read sacred texts such as the Vedas and follow various teachings. Hinduism is still important to a large number of people even after all these years.

In this article, we will learn about the oldest religion in the world which is Hinduism, and its origin, beliefs, history, diversity, and impact.

Table of Content

  • Which is the Oldest Religion in the World?
  • Important Aspects of the Oldest Religion In The World – Hinduism
  • Historical Context and Origin of Hinduism
  • Core Beliefs of Hinduism
  • Deities and Divinities of Hinduism
  • Scriptures of Hinduism
  • Sacred Texts
  • Social Structure and Caste System of Hinduism
  • Philosophical Schools of Hinduism
  • Rituals and Practices of Hinduism
  • Diversity and Sects of Hinduism
  • Impact and Influence of Hinduism

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Conclusion – Oldest Religion in the World – Hinduism

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FAQs on Oldest Religion in the World – Hinduism

Which is the first religion in the world?...