
Neurons are the structural and also the functional units of the nervous system. They help in the conduction of impulses. They are the largest cells of the human body. A typical neuron is made up of 3 parts:

  • Dendrites: Dendrites are the highly branched structures that receive stimulus
  • Cell body/Cyton/Perikaryon/Soma: It converts stimulus into an electrical impulse. Nissl’s granules are present in the cell body and dendrites which help in forming protein. ‘Axon hillock’, a part of cyton, is a very sensitive region from where the axon starts.
  • Axon: It conducts and transmits impulses. On the axon, Myelin sheath is present which is secreted by Schwann cells and Oligodendrocytes in the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system respectively. Myelin sheath is discontinuous and the place where it is absent is called as ‘Node of Ranvier’.

Difference Between Neurons And Neuroglia

Difference Between Neurons And Neuroglia: Neurons​ and Neuroglia collectively form the Nervous system of higher vertebrates. The nervous system is responsible for controlling and coordinating processes in the body. It is ectodermal in origin. Neuroglial cells form more than 50 percent of the nervous system. The major difference between neurons and neuroglial cells is in their structure ure and functions.

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