Vitamins and Their Functions, Sources, and Deficiency Chart

Vitamins come in several forms, which are covered below:






Vitamin A

Fat Soluble

Liver, eggs, whole milk, and butter.

Maintain vision, skin, myelin, and growth.

Dry skin, eye issues, hindered development, and night blindness.

Vitamin B1

Water soluble

Yeast, milk, green vegetables, pork.

Energy production, nerve activity


Vitamin B2

Water soluble

Soybean, egg white

Fetus development


Vitamin B3

Water soluble

Green leafy vegetables, cereals

Maintain NAD, NADP, and lipid catabolism.


Vitamin B5

Water soluble

Mushroom, sunflower oil

Carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.

Inadequate growth

Vitamin B6

Water soluble

Meat, milk, cereals

Carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.


Vitamin B7

Water soluble

Grains, milk, egg yolk

Biosynthesis of aspartic acid and unsaturated fatty acids. Maintain health of skin, hair, bone marrow.

Depression, muscle pain, hair loss.

Vitamin B9

Water soluble

Egg, beet root, meat

Nucleic acid synthesis, differentiation of embryonic nervous system.

Megaloblastic anaemia

Vitamin B12

Water soluble

Fish, egg, meat

Maintain epithelial cells. Synthesis of nucleic acid, protein, and lipid.

Pernicious anemia

Vitamin C

Water soluble

Citrus fruits

Iron absorption, Antioxidant.


Vitamin D

Fat soluble

Fish liver oil, sunlight

Calcium and Phosphorus absorption, maintain calcium and phosphorus level in serum.


Vitamin E

Fat soluble

Oils of cotton seed, sunflower, wheat grain

Antioxidant, muscular metabolism.

Muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis.

Vitamin K

Fat soluble

Soybean oil, tomato, green leafy vegetables

Blood clotting, synthesis of prothrombin.

Hemorrhagic diseases

Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are important micronutrients needed in small amounts to maintain the normal health of an organism. Vitamins and Minerals do not directly supply energy but play vital roles in metabolic processes and energy extraction from macronutrients. They act as coenzymes and cofactors in metabolic processes. Minerals can not be synthesized by the human body and hence must be taken from dietary sources for metabolic functions. In this article, we will cover vitamins and minerals, their types, and sources.

Vitamins and minerals

Table of Content

  • What are Vitamins?
  • Types of Vitamins
  • Fat Soluble
  • Vitamins and Their Functions, Sources, and Deficiency Chart
  • What are Minerals?
  • What are the Sources and Functions of Minerals?
  • Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals
  • Conclusion – Vitamins And Minerals
  • FAQs on Vitamins and Minerals

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Conclusion – Vitamins And Minerals

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