
Nitration is a chemical process that helps introduce nitro group (-NO2) in an organic compound. But sometimes, the term is misunderstood to represent different processes, like forming nitrate esters among nitric acids and alcohols, which takes place in synthesizing nitroglycerin. The main difference between nitrates and nitro compounds is the bonding of nitrogen atoms with oxygen or carbon.

In this article, we will learn about, Nitration Definition, Nitration Mechanism, Types of Nitration, Nitrating Agent, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Nitration?
  • Nitration Mechanism
  • Types of Nitration
  • Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism
  • Nitrating Agents
  • Examples of Nitration
  • Factors Affecting Nitration
  • Applications of Nitration

What is Nitration?

Nitration is a chemical process in organic chemistry that involves introducing a nitro group (─NO2) into an organic compound, typically onto an aromatic ring. This process is often carried out using a mixture of concentrated nitric acid(HNO3) and sulfuric acid(H2SO4), which produces the active species known as the nitronium ion (NO2+).

Nitration reactions produce various compounds, including nitroaromatics and explosives, and are essential as chemical intermediates and precursors. The reaction usually occurs at high temperatures and is an example of electrophilic aromatic substitution. The strong acid in the acid mixture acts as a catalyst and promotes the formation of the nitronium ion when nitric acid is used.

Nitration Mechanism

The mechanism for the Nitration reaction can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Formation of Nitronium Ion: Nitric acid accepts a proton from sulfuric acid and then dissociates to form the nitronium ion (NO2+)
  • Electrophilic Substitution: The nitronium ion acts as an electrophile that further reacts with benzene, forming an arenium ion.
  • Formation of Nitrobenzene: The arenium ion loses its proton to a Lewis base, such as sulfuric acid, forming nitrobenzene.

This reaction adds nitrogen to a benzene ring, which can be further utilized in substitution reactions. The nitro group acts as a ring deactivator, and the products of aromatic nitrations are essential intermediates in industrial chemistry.

Types of Nitration

Following are the different types of Nitration that are,

  • Aromatic Nitration
  • Ipso Nitration

Aromatic Nitration

Aromatic nitration is a chemical process used to synthesize various compounds, including chemical intermediates, dyes, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. The reaction involves introducing a nitro group (─NO2) onto an aromatic ring through an electrophilic aromatic substitution mechanism.

The active species in this reaction is the nitronium ion (NO2+), generated from a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

Phenol Nitration

The nitration of phenol is shown in the image added below,

Ipso Nitration

Ipso nitration involves the substitution of a hydrogen atom with a nitro (-NO2) groups on the carbon adjacent to the aromatic ring. This reaction is typically carried out using a mixture of acids, which produces the nitronium ion (NO2+), the active species in the reaction. The reaction can also be carried out using other nitrating agents.

Nitration in Benzene

Benzene reacts with a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid at 50° C. As the temperature rises, the chances of getting more than one nitro group substituted for the ring increase, resulting in the formation of nitrobenzene. The reaction for the same is,

C6H6 + HNO3 → C6H5NO2 + H2O

Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism

The mechanism of the reaction can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Formation of Electrophile: Nitric acid reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid, forming the nitronium ion (NO2+) as the electrophile. This reaction involves the proton transfer from sulfuric acid to nitric acid.

HNO3 + 2H2SO4 ——-> NO2 + 2HSO4 + H3O+

  • Attack of Electrophile on Aromatic Ring: The nitronium ion (NO2+) is attracted to the high region of electron density in the delocalized benzene ring. It attacks one of the carbon atoms in the ring, forming a temporary arenium ion.

C6H6/C6H5+ + NO2+ ——–> C6H5+.NO2+

  • Formation of Nitrobenzene Product: The arenium ion loses a proton to a Lewis base, such as water, forming the nitrobenzene product.
  • Formation of Nitrobenzene Product: The arenium ion loses a proton to a Lewis base, such as water, forming the nitrobenzene product.

C6H5+.NO2+ ——–> C6H5NO2 + H2O

Overall, the reaction can be represented as follows:

C6H6 + HNO3 → C6H5NO2 + H2O

Nitrating Agents

Some Nitrating Agents that can be used for Nitration are:

Nitronium Tetrafluoroborate

Nitrating agent can be isolated and used without the need for mixed acid. It can be used in aromatic nitration and requires a catalyst such as sulfuric acid.

Acetyl Nitrate

This nitrating agent has been used in nitration and requires a catalyst such as sulfuric acid


This compound can be nitrated regioselectively in the liquid phase under mild conditions using solid acid catalysts and nitric acid as the nitrating agent.

Examples of Nitration

Various example of Nitration with reactions are,

Nitration of Aniline

The nitration of Aniline is shown in the reaction below,

C6H5NH2 (conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4) → C6H4NH2NO2(Meta Product)(Major Product) + C6H4NH2NO2(Ortho-Para Product)(Minor Product)

Methyl Benzoate Nitration

The nitration of Methyl Benzoate is shown in the reaction below,

C6H5COOCH3 (conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4) → C6H5COOCH3(Ortho/Para Product)(Major Product)

Nitration of Chlorobenzene

The nitration of Chlorobenzene is shown in the reaction below,

C6H5Cl (conc. HNO3) → C6H4ClNO2(Ortho Product) + C6H4ClNO2(Para Product)(Minor Product)

Nitration of Toluene

The nitration of Toluene is shown in the reaction below,

C6H5CH3 (conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4) → C6H2CH3(NO2)3

Nitration of Benzoic Acid

The nitration of Benzoic Acid is shown in the reaction below,

C6H5COOH (conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4) → C6H4COOHNO2(Ortho/Para Product)

Factors Affecting Nitration

Here are some factors affecting nitration in pointer format:

  • Temperature: The temperature affects the kinetic rate, which is constant for various chemical steps. Higher temperatures can lead to more than one nitro group being substituted in the substrate.
  • Agitation: The degree of agitation is crucial for smooth reactions and to avoid local overheating. Efficient agitation must be maintained during the nitration process.
  • Catalyst: Catalysts, such as sulfuric acid, are used to speed up the reaction. Sulfuric acid acts as a catalyst and an acid in the nitration of benzene with a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
  • Substrate: The substrate’s structure and the presence of activating groups such as amino, hydroxy, methyl groups, amides, and ethers can influence the rate of nitration and the formation of para and ortho isomers.
  • Nitrating Agent: The choice of nitrating agent depends on the compound to be nitrated. Common nitrating agents include dilute, concentrated, or fuming nitric acid and mixtures of nitric acid with other acids.

Applications of Nitration

The different applications of Nitration are as follows:

  • Production of Explosives: Nitration reactions are used in the production of explosives, such as the conversion of toluene to trinitrotoluene and the transformation of guanidine to nitroguanidine.
  • Chemical Intermediates and Precursors: Nitration reactions are widely used as chemical intermediates and precursors, with millions of tons of nitroaromatics produced annually.
  • Synthesis of Nitroaromatic Compounds: Nitration is vital for producing nitroaromatic compounds, notably nitrobenzene, which has major industrial applications.

Environmental Impact of Nitration

Nitration’s environmental impact can be positive and negative, depending on the specific conditions and factors involved. Here are some key points highlighting the environmental impact of nitration:

  • Nitrate Production: Nitration reactions, such as the nitration of benzene, produce nitrate as a by-product, which is a form of nitrogen that can contribute to eutrophication, leading to the growth of algae and reducing the oxygen supply in water bodies.
  • Acidification: Nitric acid and sulfuric acid are often used as nitrating agents in nitration reactions, and their production can lead to soil acidification, which can negatively affect plant growth and the overall ecosystem.
  • Ammonia emissions: Inhibiting nitrification by adding nitrogen inhibitors (NIs) can increase ammonia emissions, which contribute to air pollution and the formation of secondary aerosols.
  • Water quality: The nitrification process can adversely impact water quality, such as increasing nitrite and nitrate levels, reducing alkalinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and chloramine residuals, and promoting bacterial regrowth.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Nitration

What is Nitration with Example?

Nitration is a chemical process where a nitro group (-NO2) is introduced into a molecule. Example: Nitration of benzene to form nitrobenzene.

What is Ipso Nitration?

Ipso nitration involves the substitution of a hydrogen atom on the carbon adjacent to the aromatic ring during nitration.

How Many Types of Nitration Are?

There are two types of nitration are

  • Ipso Nitration
  • Aromatic Nitration

What is Difference between Nitrites and Nitrates?

Nitrites contain one nitrogen and two oxygen atoms (NO2), while nitrates have one nitrogen and three oxygen atoms (NO3).

What is Order of Nitration Reaction?

Order of nitration reaction is usually 1.

What is Process of Nitration of Phenols?

Phenols undergo nitration by reacting with a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, forming nitrophenols.

Why HNO3 is Used in Nitration?

HNO3 acts as a base and provides electrophile in the Nitration reaction.