What is Array.flatMap() in JavaScript?
Array.flatMap() is a method introduced in ECMAScript 2019 (ES10) that combines the functionalities of map() and flat() methods. It first maps each element of an array using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. This method is particularly useful when you want to apply a transformation to each element of an array and flatten the resulting arrays into a single array....
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How to use Template Literals in TypeScript ?
The template literal is a concise and flexible way of creating the dynamic string in TypeScript. The meaning of dynamic strings here is that they can be created using expressions like conditional statements, variables, or any other mathematical operation results that can be dynamically calculated at runtime and embedded in the strings. The template literals can be used in the same way as we use them in Vanilla JavaScript. They are defined using the backticks(“) syntax available just below the ESC button on your keyboard....
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What is the use of the console.log() Function in JavaScript?
The console.log() function serves as a fundamental tool for developers to output information to the console. It plays a crucial role in the debugging process, allowing programmers to inspect variables, log messages, and trace the flow of their code. By printing relevant data to the console, developers can gain insights into the state of their program at different points in its execution, facilitating the identification and resolution of errors....
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What is Array.join() method in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, the join() method is used to create and return a new string by concatenating all the elements of an array, separated by a specified separator string. If no separator is provided, a comma (,) is used as the default separator....
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What is the use of Single Quotes (”) & Double Quotes (“”) for Strings in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, both single quotes ('') and double quotes ("") can be used to create strings, and they are interchangeable in most situations. However, there are a couple of differences worth noting:...
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How to Create a Single Line Comment in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can create a single-line comment using the // double forward slash. Everything following // that line will be treated as a comment and will not be executed....
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How to create a array in JavaScript?
An array is a non-primitive data type that allows you to store multiple values of different or similar data types at consecutive memory blocks in a single variable. The values stored in an array can be accessed using the indexing syntax starting from zero and going to the array.length-1....
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What is the use of the Bind Method ?
The bind method in JavaScript is used to bind the object to another object so that the bound object can use the methods and other properties for itself. This method is particularly useful for explicitly setting the context in which a function will be executed, ensuring that this inside the function refers to the desired object....
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What is split() Method in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, the split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator. It allows you to break a string into smaller parts, which are then stored as elements in an array....
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What is the use of the Fetch API in JavaScript ?
The Fetch API in JavaScript provides a modern, powerful, and flexible way to make HTTP requests from web browsers or Node.js environments. Its primary purpose is to facilitate fetching resources, typically data, from servers or other sources across the web. In simple terms, the Fetch API in JavaScript is like a messenger that helps your web browser or server talk to other web servers. Its main job is to fetch or get data from those other places on the internet....
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Explain Different Types of Scopes in JavaScript ?
Scope refers to the environment in which a variable or a function is declared and accessible. It means the environment in which the variable is visible, can be accessed and changes can be made to it. It is of three types in JavaScript....
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What is the role of the Navigator Object in JavaScript for Handling Browser Related Information ?
Think of it as your navigator in the online world – it provides information about the browser environment your script is running in. The navigator object is part of the window object and contains properties that give you details about the user’s browser. Here are a couple of things the navigator object can tell you:...
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