How to Convert an Array to a String in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can convert an array to a string using the join() method or by using the toString() method. Both methods provide different ways to concatenate the elements of an array into a single string....
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Execution Context in JavaScript
A JavaScript execution context is a critical concept that defines the environment in which JavaScript code is executed. The execution context consists of two main components:...
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How to Create an Empty Set in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can create an empty Set using the Set constructor....
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How to Declare Variables with Explicit Types in TypeScript ?
In TypeScript, you declare variables with explicit types by specifying the type of the variable after its name using a colon (:) followed by the desired data type which can be string, number, etc....
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How to Clone a Set in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can clone (create a shallow copy of) a Set using the spread operator (...) or the Set constructor. Here are two common methods for cloning a Set:...
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Difference Between a Set and an Array
Sets and arrays in JavaScript are both data structures, but they have distinct characteristics and use cases....
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How to use the ! Operator to negate a Boolean Value in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can use the ! (logical NOT) operator to negate a boolean value. The ! operator flips the truthiness of a value. If the operand is true, it becomes false, and if the operand is false, it becomes true....
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What is the DOM (Document Object Model) ?
The DOM, or Document Object Model, is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document, such as elements, attributes, and text. The DOM provides a way for programs to manipulate the structure, style, and content of web documents dynamically....
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How to Create an Array of Multiple Data Types in TypeScript ?
In TypeScript, you can not directly define an array as you usually define it in JavaScript. You need to explicitly type the array with a particular data type whose values can be stored inside it. The type of an array can be specified using the colon syntax followed by the data type (:type). You can also create arrays that can store values of multiple data types using the Union type to explicitly type the array....
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How to Declare & use Arrow Functions in TypeScript ?
The arrow function is a concise way of declaring the functions in TypeScript with a lexical binding of this object. The arrow function provides us with a shorter way of declaring functions without using the function keyword just with the help of arrows(=>) and the round brackets(). They can be assigned to a variable created using the let, var, and const keywords in TypeScript. These types of functions have a variable scope and are assigned an undefined value in the memory until a value is assigned to them....
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What is a Blob Object in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, a Blob (Binary Large Object) is an object that represents raw binary data(collection of bytes). It is commonly used to handle and manipulate binary data, such as images, audio, video, or other types of files. The Blob object allows you to create, modify, and manipulate binary data in a format that can be easily used with various web APIs....
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What is Function Currying in JavaScript ?
Function currying is a concept in functional programming where a function with multiple arguments is transformed into a sequence of functions, each taking a single argument. The result of each function is a new function that expects the next argument in the sequence until all arguments have been provided, and finally, the original function is invoked with all the arguments....
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