What is a Unary Function in JavaScript?
A unary function is similar to the unary operator as the unary operator allows you to operate it with only one operand in a similar way a unary function allows you to pass only a single parameter to it. A unary function accepts only a single parameter and operates the different operations on it inside the function body. A unary function can be defined using any of the methods available in JavaScript to declare functions. The word unary means single or mono which means it can be operated with only one parameter....
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What is Call Stack in JavaScript ?
The call stack is a fundamental concept in JavaScript’s runtime environment. It is a mechanism that keeps track of the execution context of functions in a program. When a function is called, a new frame is pushed onto the top of the call stack, representing the context of that function’s execution. When the function completes, its frame is popped off the stack, allowing the program to return to the context of the calling function....
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Difference Between Debouncing & Throttling in JavaScript
There are some key differences between throttling and JavaScript as listed in the below table:...
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Explain the Concept of Truthy & Falsy Values in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, truthy and falsy values are concepts related to boolean evaluation. Every value in JavaScript has an inherent boolean “truthiness” or “falsiness,” which means they can be implicitly evaluated to true or false in boolean contexts, such as in conditional statements or logical operations....
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How to Round a Number to a Certain Number of Decimal Places in JavaScript ?
Rounding a number to a certain number of decimal places in JavaScript means adjusting the number to a specified precision after the decimal point. This is commonly done using methods like toFixed() or Math.round() to format the number for precise calculations or display....
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What are Pure Functions in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, a pure function is a function that always produces the same output for the same input and has no side effects. In other words, pure functions do not modify state outside their scope, such as modifying global variables, changing the state of objects passed as arguments, or performing I/O operations. Pure functions are deterministic, meaning they rely solely on their input parameters to compute their output and do not depend on any external state....
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Currying function in JavaScript
Currying is a technique in functional programming where a function is broken into a series of partially applied functions, each taking a single argument. This technique allows for more flexibility and reusability of the code. JavaScript allows us to create a currying function using closures. To make a currying function make a function that returns another function and that returning function uses the argument of the parent function too, so on running the parent function we get a new function which on run does some work with both the arguments....
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How to Handle Errors in JavaScript ?
Handling errors in JavaScript is crucial for writing robust and reliable code. There are several mechanisms and best practices for error handling in JavaScript:...
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What are Closures in JavaScript ?
JavaScript closures involve the combination of functions and the scope in which they are defined. A closure allows a function to access variables from its scope, outer function scope, and the global scope. This creates a “closed-over” environment, preserving the state of the outer function even after it has finished executing....
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How do we use the encodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript ?
The encodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript is used to encode special characters in a URL, ensuring that the resulting string can be safely included as a component of a URL without causing issues. This function is particularly useful when you need to construct query parameters or other parts of a URL that may contain reserved characters....
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What are Primitive Data Types in JavaScript ?
Primitive data types are the built-in data types provided by all programming languages. Examples of primitive data types in JavaScript are string, number, boolean, null, symbol, and undefined. These data types can store only a single value of a particular type in the memory....
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What is block scope in JavaScript?
Block scope in JavaScript refers to the scope of variables and functions that are defined within a block of code, such as within a pair of curly braces {}. Variables and functions declared with let and const keywords have block scope....
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