Understanding Blind XSS for Bug Bounty Hunting
Blind XSS is quite similar to stored Cross-Site Scripting attack where the input provided by the attacker is saved or stored by the web server and this stored input is reflected in various other applications which are linked with each other. It only triggers when the attacker’s input is stored by the web server in a database and executed as a malicious script in another part of the application or another application....
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How to use javascript function in check box?
Checkboxes are used for instances where a user may wish to select multiple options, such as in the instance of a “check all that apply” question, in forms. HTML Checkboxes Selected. A checkbox element can be placed onto a web page in a pre-checked fashion by setting the checked attribute with a “yes” value....
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What are the various timing features of Node.js ?
The timer modules in Node.js consists of functions that help to control the timings of code execution. It includes setTimeout(), setImmediate(), and setInterval() methods....
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Facebook API | Set-1
In this series of articles, we will cover the details about Facebook API in depth. We will learn what setup we need to use the API and how to make everything get going for the API to work. So, Let’s skip the Introduction and Jump on to the details of the API....
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How to find which DOM element has the focus using jQuery?
The HTML DOM has an activeElement Property. It can be used to get the currently focused element in the document:...
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Social Network API
Social media websites were initially designed to confined user experience within four walls of their web page. However, to increase their user base and to expand beyond only desktop accessible websites, these social networks started developing API....
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Create a Glowing text shadow using HTML and CSS
To create a glowing text-shadow, we will use HTML to create the structure and CSS for the styling of the text. With the help of CSS, we can add shadows to text. HTML Code: In this section, we will design the basic structure of the code....
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Difference between <nav> and <menu> tag in HTML5
“<nav>” Tag: The <nav> tag is used to specify navigation links either within the same document or any other document which means it provides link to contents which are either on same or different page/document....
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Scope Resolution operator in PHP
The scope resolution operator also known as Paamayim Nekudotayim or more commonly known as the double colon is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class....
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What is the Punycode in Node.js ?
Punycode is a special encoding syntax that is specifically used to convert Unicode characters (UTF-8) to ASCII, which is nothing but the restricted string character set....
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Node.js prompt.get() Method
The prompt.get() method is an asynchronous function. This method takes strings representing property names in addition to objects for complex property validation (and more). This function is used for I/O operations....
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How to delete an item or object from the array using ng-click ?
The task is to delete the item from the list when the button is clicked. This all should be done by using ng-click. This is done by using the splice() method. The syntax for the method is given below....
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