How to Validate Data using validator Module in Node.js ?
The Validator module is popular for validation. Validation is necessary to check whether the data is correct or not, so this module is easy to use and validates data quickly and easily....
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What is Zed Attack Proxy?
Zed Attack Proxy is an open-source security software written in Java programming language and released in 2010. It is used to scan web applications and find vulnerabilities in it. It was started as a small project by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and now it is the most active project maintained by thousands of individuals around the globe. It is available for Linux, Windows, and mac in 29 languages. It can also be used as a proxy server like a burp suite to manipulate the request including the HTTPS request. Daemon mode is also present in it which can later be controlled by REST API....
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How to Create Jumping Text 3D Animation Effect using CSS ?
In this article, you will learn to implement Jumping Texts animation effect using simple HTML and CSS. HTML is used to create the structure of the page and CSS is used to set the styling....
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Javascript Program For Converting Roman Numerals To Decimal Lying Between 1 to 3999
Given a Romal numeral, the task is to find its corresponding decimal value....
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Oracle Interview Experience (Internship)
Academic Year: Third Year Undergraduate...
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JCL (Job Control Language)
Job Control Language(JCL) is a scripting language that describe jobs, to the Operating System that runs in the IBM large server(Mainframe) computers. JCL acts as an interface between your application programs (COBOL, PL/1 , Assembler etc) and Mainframe OS (MVS or Z/OS). It is mainly a set of control statements that provide the specifications necessary to run an application program. In mainframe environment, programs can be executed in batch and online modes. JCL is used for submitting a program for execution in batch mode....
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How to scroll the page up or down using anchor element in jQuery ?
The problem is to include a slide effect whenever we click a local anchor and we want to scroll up or down the page accordingly. Earlier we can do it natively by using CSS property....
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Next.js SWR (Stale While Revalidate) Introduction
State While Revalidate is React Hooks library for remote data fetching, created by Zeit. It is used for...
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How to use .on and .hover in jQuery ?
jQuery .on() method: This method is used to attach an event listener to an element. This method is equivalent to the addEventListener in vanilla JavaScript....
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What is the use of “#” symbol in link URL ?
Many of us may have observed the pound(#) sign in the URL while inspecting some web sites. It is not a simple regular character but has a special function. So first of all, it is called a named anchor or sometimes as a fragment. Named anchor or fragment is used to link to the part of the same web –page. We generally link one page to the other, but what if we have to link to some heading which is on the same web-page? Then, named anchor (#) comes into play....
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File Upload Vulnerability of Web Applications
In this article, we are going to learn about one more attack vector in detail which are very important to learn in this world of lots of Web and Mobile Apps....
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Best practices for Professional Developer – Django Framework
Django is an open-source, Python-based framework for building web applications. To make our Django code more readable and efficient we should follow a certain set of rules/practices. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices to work with Django framework...
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