How to Setup Handlebars View Engine in Node.js ?
Handlebars is a template engine that is widely used and easy to use. The pages contain .hbs extension and there are many other template engines in the market like EJS, Mustache, etc....
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Introduction to Dash in Python
Dash is a Python framework for building analytical web applications. Dash helps in building responsive web dashboards that is good to look at and is very fast without the need to understand complex front-end frameworks or languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Let’s build our first web dashboard using Dash....
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Simple POST request using the fetch API
The fetch() method, like the XMLHttpRequest and Axios request, is used to send the requests to the server. The main difference is that the Fetch API uses Promises, which enables a simpler and cleaner API. You will get the whole Get and Post method using fetch API...
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How to connect to an API in JavaScript ?
An API or Application Programming Interface is an intermediary which carries request/response data between the endpoints of a channel. We can visualize an analogy of API to that of a waiter in a restaurant....
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How to add 24 hours to a unix timestamp in php?
The Unix timestamp is designed to track time as a running total of seconds from the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC. To add 24 hours to a Unix timestamp we can use any of these methods:...
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How to make POST call to an API using Axios.js in JavaScript ?
Axios is a promise-based HTTP client designed for Node.js and browsers. With Axios, we can easily send asynchronous HTTP requests to REST APIs and perform create, read, update and delete operations. It is an open-source collaboration project hosted on GitHub. It can be imported in plain Javascript or with any library accordingly....
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Password Hashing with MD5 module in Node.js
MD5 module in node.js uses a message-digest algorithm and it is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value. Password hashing is an important concept because, in the database, the actual password should not be stored as its a bad practice and also make the system less secure, so the password is stored in hashed form into the database which makes the system more secured....
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How to create static classes in PHP ?
A class is a user-defined data type that holds its own data members and member functions that can be accessed and used by creating one or more instances of that class. Every time a class is instantiated, the values that it holds are different and unique to the particular instance or object and not to that class. Static Classes brings forth a property wherein a class itself holds values that remain the same and aren’t unique. Another property of Static Classes is that we can do the aforementioned without having to create an instance of the class....
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Reflected XSS Vulnerability in Depth
In this article, we will discuss one of the most seen vulnerabilities in web-based applications, which is — Reflected XSS....
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What is OAuth (Open Authorization) ?
OAuth (Open Authorization)...
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How to secure database passwords in PHP?
Most of the websites are providing sing up and login facility to the user. User has to create a password and use it for login to the website. But it is very important to secure the password of the user. password_hash() function provides the facility to securely store the password of the user to the database....
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How to Serve Static Content using Node.js ?
Accessing static files are very useful when you want to put your static content accessible to the server for usage. To serve static files such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files, etc we use the built-in middleware in node.js i.e. express.static....
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