How to create a bouncing bubble effect using CSS ?
One simple way of making a website more dynamic and attractive is to add some animations to it. One such animation is the bouncing bubble effect....
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JQuery | trim() Method
This trim() Method in jQuery is used to remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string...
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How to convert a DOM nodelist to an array using JavaScript ?
NodeList objects are the collection of nodes, usually returned by properties such as Node.childNodes and methods such as document.querySelectorAll(). Although NodeList is not an actual Array but it is possible to iterate over it with the help of forEach() method. NodeList can also be converted into actual array by following methods....
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How to load font-awesome using SCSS ?
In order to load font-awesome icons in SCSS you need to follow these steps:...
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How to Configure Socket.IO with Demo-Chat App in Node.js ?
For making a chat app, it is required that the server sends data to the client but the client should also respond back to the server. This can be done by making use of the Websockets. A WebSocket is a kind of communication pipe opened in two directions....
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Broken Authentication Vulnerability
Broken Authentication is in one of the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities. The essence of Broken Authentication is where you (Web Application) allow your users to get into your website by creating a new account and handling it for specific reasons. In Broken Authentication, whenever a user login into its account, a session id is being created, and that session id is allowed to that particular account only. Now if the web application is crafted securely in terms of Authentication, then it is well and good but in case if it is not then the attacker may use several under given techniques....
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How to hide scroll bar for inactivity?
There are many ways to hide the scroll bar when the page is inactive. One such way is using the onscroll, onmousewheel, onclick, and onmousemove events, which help us to achieve our goal using basic HTML and JavaScript....
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Data Scraping for Android Apps using google-play-scraper in Node.js
The most commonly existing method for scraping the web is the one in which we use selenium & beautifulsoup in Python. Even though it helps us in a variety of tasks, if we are specifically looking to extract information about an already existing android app on the google play store for research purposes or even for self-use, there’s another way of doing things....
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Javascript Program for Two Pointers Technique
Two pointers is really an easy and effective technique which is typically used for searching pairs in a sorted array.Given a sorted array A (sorted in ascending order), having N integers, find if there exists any pair of elements (A[i], A[j]) such that their sum is equal to X....
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DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting Attack in Depth
In this article, we will be understanding one of the types of Cross-Site Scripting in-depth i.e DOM-based XSS. Let’s discuss it one by one as follows....
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Fastest way to duplicate an array in JavaScript
Multiple methods can be used to duplicate an array in JavaScript.The fastest way to duplicate an array in JavaScript is by using the slice() Method. Let us discuss some methods and then compare the speed of execution....
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How to Run Synchronous Queries using sync-sql Module in Node.js ?
The sync-sql module is designed to make synchronous queries to the database. Since normal SQL queries are asynchronous in node.js but if you want to run it synchronously, then it is possible using this module. In synchronized SQL, the result set is returned when the query is executed. Note: Do not use this module in production mode as node.js is designed to be asynchronous....
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