Python vs PHP
Python: Python is a high level interpreted and object-oriented programming language that enormous library support and is used for developing standalone programs and scripting algorithms for various domains. It was created by Guido Van Rossum and released its first version in the year 1990....
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Integrating Django with Reactjs using Django REST Framework
In this article, we will learn the process of communicating between the Django Backend and React js frontend using the Django REST Framework. For the sake of a better understanding of the concept, we will be building a Simple Task Manager and go through the primary concepts for this type of integration between React js and Django....
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Run Python script from Node.js using child process spawn() method
Node.js is one of the most adopted web development technologies but it lacks support for machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence libraries. Luckily, Python supports all these and many more other features. Django Framework for Python can utilize this functionality of Python and can provide support for building new age web application using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence....
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Python | User groups with Custom permissions in Django
Let’s consider a trip booking service, how they work with different plans and packages. There is a list of product which subscriber gets on subscribing to different packages, provided by the company. Generally, the idea they follow is the level-wise distribution of different products....
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How to Setup Sublime Text 3 for Python in Windows?
Written by a Google engineer sublime text is a cross-platform IDE developed in C++ and Python. It has basic built-in support for Python. Sublime text is fast and you can customize this editor as per your need to create a full-fledged Python development environment. You can install packages such as debugging, auto-completion, code linting, etc. There are also various packages for scientific development, Django, Flask, and so on....
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Web crawling with Python
Web crawling is a powerful technique that allows us to gather information from other websites by navigating through their pages and finding all the URLs of the websites with the relevant data. Python has various libraries and frameworks that support web crawling. In this article, we will see about web crawling using Python and various examples of their usage....
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Dockerize your Flask App
Python provides many ways to distribute your python projects. One such way is by using an important technology called Docker. Docker is an open-source application that allows administrators to create, manage, deploy, and replicate applications using containers. It is basically a platform that enables developers to make their applications portable by putting them inside a container. You can make your python project portable using it. Docker container removes dependency issues by isolating your project with system. Docker image created of your project can be ported anywhere. Official Documentation of Docker. In this article we will see an example in which we will be converting our Flask app into docker image and see some basic commands of docker along with it. Flask is a micro-framework for building small web applications. We are just using it as an example of Python project. One can use any other python project in the same manner. For more information on Flask, visit here....
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Creating custom user model using AbstractUser in django_Restframework
Every new Django project should use a custom user model. The official Django documentation says it is “highly recommended” but I’ll go a step further and say without hesitation: You are straight up crazy not to use a custom user model up front....
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Plot Live Graphs using Python Dash and Plotly
Dash is a Python framework built on top of ReactJS, Plotly and Flask. It is used to create interactive web dashboards using just python. Live graphs are particularly necessary for certain applications such as medical tests, stock data, or basically for any kind of data that changes in a very short amount of time where it is not viable to reload each time the data is updated. This can be done using a feature called “hot reloading”, not to be confused with “live reloading”. Live reloading reloads or refreshes the entire app when the data is updated, while hot reloading only refreshes the data that was updated without changing the state of the app. Dash automatically includes hot-reloading making it the best choice for this kind of visualization....
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How to take screenshot using Selenium in Python ?
Selenium offers a lot of features and one of the important and useful feature is of taking a screenshot. In order to take a screenshot of webpage save_screenshot() method is used. save_screenshot method allows user to save the webpage as a png file....
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Run Python Script using PythonShell from Node.js
Nowadays Node.js is the most attractive technology in the field of backend development for developers around the globe. And if someone wishes to use something like Web Scraping using python modules or run some python scripts having some machine learning algorithms, then one need to know how to integrate these two....
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Sending Emails Using API in Flask-Mail
Python, being a powerful language don’t need any external library to import and offers a native library to send emails- “SMTP lib”. “smtplib” creates a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client session object which is used to send emails to any valid email id on the internet. This article revolves around how we can send bulk customised emails to a group of people with the help of Flask....
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