Built in & Custom Model Managers in Django
Django manager is a class that acts as an interface through which Django models interact with databases. Every model has at least one manager object. It has a lot of methods, attributes to ease working with databases. In fact, many beginner-level Django developers do not know that they use the Manager class object to extract or create desired model object/objects. The default Manager object that Django provides in models is “objects“....
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Create a Weather app using Flask | Python
Prerequisite : Flask installation...
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Python | page_source method in Selenium
page_source method is used retrieve the page source of the webpage the user is currently accessing. The main use of this method to find something in the page source like finding any data or keyword....
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Django Channels – Introduction and Basic Setup
Django is a powerful Python framework for web development. It is fast, secure, and reliable. Channels allow Django projects to handle HTTP along with asynchronous protocols like WebSockets, MQTT, chatbots, and more....
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Create Contact Us using WTForms in Flask
WTForms is a library designed to make the processing of forms easier to manage. It handles the data submitted by the browser very easily. In this article, we will discuss how to create a contact us form using WTForms....
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Hello World Program : First program while learning Programming
In this article, I’ll show you how to create your first Hello World computer program in various languages. Along with the program, comments are provided to help you better understand the terms and keywords used in theLearning program. Programming can be simplified as follows:...
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Convert CSV to HTML Table using Python Pandas and Flask Framework
In this article, we are going to convert a CSV file into an HTML table using Python Pandas and Flask Framework....
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Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) Design Pattern
Prerequisite- HTTP Protocol, GET and POST requests using Python...
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Django – Creating a Multi-Page Website
Django is a python based open-source framework used for web development. Django allows the usage of the M-T-V (Model-Templates-View) architectural pattern for the creation and deployment of a functional website....
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How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2019 : A Complete Guide
Do you know what’s a T shaped person? (And no, it’s not a person standing with their arms in the Air!!!)...
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Deploying a TensorFlow 2.1 CNN model on the web with Flask
When starting to learn Machine Learning, one of the biggest issues people face is deploying whatever they make to the web for easier demonstration/use. This article will help those beginners bridge the gap between creating a TensorFlow model and deploying it on the web with Flask and hopefully gain some insight on the issues TensorFlow and Flask have....
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How to return the data type of variable in JavaScript ?
To return the JavaScript data type of a variable we can use the JavaScript typeof operator. In JavaScript, unlike many other programming languages, we do not specify the type of a variable while declaring it, rather the variable’s type is automatically inferred based on the value it holds. In other words, JavaScript is a “dynamically typed” programming language. In such languages, the type of a variable can change throughout the program....
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